
Do I have Schizophrenia?

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I sometimes see things that aren't really there. I also have like episodes where I feel out of control, and something in my head is trying to make me do things. I only get this when I am alone, and I am left alone a lot of the time. I have read places that it isn't particularly common in teenagers, I am 13 years old and I feel this started a few years ago and it's progressed. The voice makes me say stuff I don't want to say to people, it tries to make me believe that my friends are out to get me and that they hate me. I am also very wary of going outside as I always think I am being followed or watched. The voice is very critical, and it seems to get worse and have more influence on me every time it happens. It usually happens when I am upset and my mind is weak and vulnerable. Before these episodes, I feel very shaky all over. Can you help? Do I have Schizophrenia?




  1. I think so.

  2. it's possible that u are suffering from schizophrenia. i hvnt studied any of this, but the symptoms are there, and i think u should get help. schizophrenia is a terrible disorder and cn ruin ur life if not dealt with. tell someone you trust, preferably an adult or older person like maybe at least 18yrs if ur parents do not respond to this info favourably. u should see a psychiatrist.

  3. i get the voice when im angry.

    but it hardly happens, it just seems to be there for 5 mins calling me names then gets bored and goes back to sleep lol .

    Im 15 and i see bugs that aint realli there,but im lucky about the voice because the voice has never told me to hurt anyone else,but tells me they are out to get me but i dont listen.

    go to your doctor or a mental health professional just incase you do have schizophrenia but it could be something else you just dont know.

    get it sorted out and this will all go away.

  4. You are describing all the symptoms of schizophrenia.  I believe you are schizophrenic.  13 is somewhat young for these things to be starting, but onset in early teens is not that unusual.

    I'm glad you have the self awareness and intelligence to recognize the problem now and see the need for help.  Schizophrenia is a serious condition, and if you hear voices that tell you negative things or tell you to do things you don't want to do, then this can be dangerous.  It's very important that you seek help, especially because, this condition will get worse with time and eventually you won't have the self control to stop yourself from doing what the voices tell you to do.  You need to get help before that happens.

    You need to talk to a psychiatrist who can prescribe medication.  With the right meds, you can clear your mind of outside voices and feelings of paranoia, and you can be "yourself" again.  Do you have the family support you need to seek help?  Is this something you can talk to your parents about?

  5. This sounds exactly like paranoid schizophrenia.  I know because that's what I was diagnosed with.  You should see a psychiatrist and please continue to communicate with them about the effects of your medicine because it will be a while before they find the right one.  

  6. People diagnosed with schizophrenia usually experience a combination of positive (i.e. hallucinations, delusions, racing thoughts), negative (i.e. apathy, lack of emotion, poor or nonexistant social functioning), and cognitive (disorganized thoughts, difficulty concentrating and/or following instructions, difficulty completing tasks, memory problems).

    Onset is usually early adulthood.

    Not curable but with proper medication it is managable.

  7. hey, can i ask? when you say voices, do you hear that someone else is saying it to you? or are you aware that its just you're head? please please answer this.. because im dying hard to know.. thanks.

    anyway, yes, all that you said are all symptoms.. all. but i think this is possible to disappear ya know. not sure.

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