
Do I have anxiety problems?

by Guest64428  |  earlier

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Recently something happened over the summer. It was when we were packing up for this girl's camp. Everyone started leaving and I was a little behind. Bottom line is that they were rushing me and telling me to hurry up and I went to go find my last bag and I couldn't find it and freaked out. I looked around and I was breathing REALLY fast and was dizzy to the point where I fell to my knees. I felt really tense. I was about to pass out but then a friend found me and helped me out.

Plus, some of my teachers pointed out how I walk and how I'm always sighing.

And lately, whenever I get nervous about anything I feel my breathing start up really fast. And usually, I'm nervous pretty often.

If this is a problem, I'm afraid to tell my parents or doctor.

I'm 13 and in 8th grade.




  1. well the doctor says i might have depression, and i feel like that some times. I mean i want people to slow down and stop rushing me.

    And sometimes i have this heavy feeling in my chest where it's hard to breath.

    Try talking to your mom or dad (depending who you like the most) and see what they think.

  2. yes

  3. You should probably stop breathing... that should make the heavy breathing part go away.... besides that ummm... if you feel tense run as fast as you can then it's just feel natural.


  4.   please please tell your parents you are the most important person in their eyes and hearts be a love tell mum you have done it here so go ahead do it  xxxx

  5. I am sorry that you are only 13 and have to deal with this, but yes it's anxiety. And more bad news, it never goes away. Even with medication and breathing techniques you can still have an anxiety attack at any time, without even knowing why. I have had anxiety for 3 years, and have tried over 5 different medications before I found one that worked. But don't give up hope, just remember to breathe and when you feel one coming on, stop everything and just sit down. Eventually it will pass. Good luck babe.  

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