
Do I have dyslexia?

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I am an adult who has struggled all my life with taking exams, but have managed to go to uni and get a degree and after many, many, many years, managed to pass my accountancy exams. But I always find I have great difficulty organising my work or organising my studying. I find it difficult to take exams. I am quite disorganised. The only way I eventually pass the exams is my sheer hard work and not giving up. I find I have to learn everything like a parrot going over everything again and again. I don't know if this is dyslexia or not. Where in the UK can adults get tested for this condition? I would love to get some help as it is ruining my life! Can anyone help? I have looked on the internet and there is plenty of information for "concerned parents" for their children, but very very little about adults who perhaps have never been diagnosed.




  1. Look for an educational pyschologist-if your still in college-look for an office for disabled students

  2. You are definitely not dyslexic, but it is possible you have a learning disability of some type.  In order to find out contact a psychologist.  They can do testing to determine what or if you have a learning disabilty.  Psychologic assessments, depending on what you want assessed cost anywhere from $500 - $1000.

  3. Anyone who is willing to tell you for sure over the Internet whether you are or are not dyslexic is full of hooey. Anyone who is willing to tell you that by doing some test, or by spending a certain amount of time looking at their method is not well educated on dyslexia or other learning disabilities. Do not listen to these people! And above all, do not pay companies to test over the Internet.

    Now, from the sound of your post you are already done university. If this is true, you may not necessarily want a diagnosis, but adults can certainly get tested for dyslexia. They are very expensive tests and if you have already figured out how you learn best and developed your own strategies, testing may not be necessary. However, there are many advantages to testing, such as knowing for sure that you do or don't have a learning disability for your own peace of mind, learning where your strengths and weaknesses are, and getting suggestions on how improve in the areas where you are weak. If you are interested in testing, go and talk to your GP. He or she can refer you to trained professional who can test you. If I misinterpereted your post and you are still in university, ask the disability centre of your university for a referral. Once you have a diagnosis your university disability support centre can help you out with your classes and other things.

    This site has a good list of symptoms of dyslexia:

    Here is a free screening test, which is in no way meant to diagnose you, but will tell you whether dyslexia is something you might look into:

    Now, if you want my over-the-Internet, not-worth-much opinion, here it is. It sounds like you really struggle to be organized. You may want to look into an Organizational Disability and Sequencing Disabilities, both of which are specific learning disabilities.You may also wish to talk to your doctor about ADHD. A big part of dyslexia is struggling to spell and read. If these are also challenges for you, then you could very well have dyslexia.

    If you would like more information on Adult ADHD, check out:

    For more information on the other types of learning disabilities, check out:

    At any rate, good luck and email me if you would like more information!

  4. Spend 15 minutes on my website, .

    I don't think anything will happen, but it might rule out developmental dyslexia. Give me a loud shout if anything happens. Give it 15 minutes, read until you finish Casey at the Bat!

        I doubt you are dyslexic, you probably would have mentioned a need to read aloud if you were.

       Google free dyslexia test and take a few online.

  5. You could be. contrary to popular belief, there are many different types of dyslexia. I was diagnosed with Convergance Excess dyslexia when I was in the 3rd grade because I have the exact same things your describing. It's defined as the eyes converging (crossing) when an object gets close to them before normal sighted people do, but more important than that, we store a part of information in one part of our brain and the rest in another. For example, a math problem may be stored in one part (apperantly we're horrible at math lol) but the formula may be stored in another causing the brain to "stutter". The docters told my parents that the only treatments were vision therapy or brain surgery, but that was years ago and unfortunately, not much research has been done.

  6. yse oyu aer

  7. Dyslexia is for those who have difficulty recognizing words and letters the right way.  The letters may be turned front to back, top to bottom or at an angle.  This does not sound like what you are describing.  My guess is that you are very driven.  Disorganization is often part of a learning disability, but not dyslexia.  It may be part of ADD.  If so, you would have difficulty staying on task, that sort of thing?  Try a psychologist in your area.  However, I would caution you, since you have reached your academice goals for your career.  Kowing your IQ score (a guess at your overall intelligence) may or may not be the best thing for you emotionally.  Many adults receive that score and are not happy to see the number.  The test can not measure determination or drive, which you obviously possess.

  8. Too be honest if you had dyslexia you would have had a lot more trouble and noticed other signs such as attention difficulties, some movement difficulties, reading and understanding problems...its not about being 'disorganised'!

    But if you are worried go speak to GP(doctor) and they can put you in touch with the right people.

  9. well dyslex is when you cant read things like the words are all muddled up and stuff like tht do you suffer from that? and have difficulties in reading?

  10. No you're not dyslexic. I think you may be expecting too much from yourself.
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