
Do I need a cell phone?

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I am 14 year's old

I go to a dance school 3 time's a week in a big city. my classes are 1 hour long but my teacher will keep us for 20 to 30 minute's longer. Parent's do not attend these classes

I also have hour long classes in a big city in flute, Voice and Piano. again parent's do not attend

I am also in a youth Orchestra for 1 1/2 hour's 2 time's a week.

this city is about 1 1/2 hour's from my home. my parents will also let me stay at a book store for 30 minute's wile they go look around at other store's. I don't like being alone around people I don't know and have no way of communication with my parent's.

do you think I need a cell phone.




  1. Yes, I think you do.  My kids all have cell phones except the 11 yr old.  Even though I can't afford them phones, I manage.

  2. I think so because you'll be in a bigger city and you are pretty busy. Plus if you had an emergency, you'd want that cell phone to get ahold of someone.

  3. Yes, I do.

  4. Do you need a cell phone?  No, no one does -- we managed just fine before them.  Would it probably be helpful if you had a cell phone?  Certainly.

    If I were picking out something for you, it'd be a pretty basic phone and just enough to be able to call home or your parents if something happened or the plans changed.  I don't think you'd need to be talking much on it or to really anyone other than your parents or the police, etc. . . but it'd probably make me feel a lot better just having one there in case you had a good reason to use it.

    If you can actually handle not talking on it all the time, then maybe you could have one.  Most people your age seem to have to always be talking or texting someone when it's not exactly an emergency or even remotely important, though, and that's not why you're wanting to have the phone.

  5. Nope, Too young in my opinion. It doesnt matter how many activities you have it doesn't at all mean you need a phone.

    An alternative would be a track phone with a bare minium ammount of minutes to be used in case of an emergency.

  6. i think you should have cell phone to be connected at all times and use it in emergency.  but, be careful.  you should use it sincerely and do not misuse it .  Be mama.s baby

  7. I think you need a prepaid cellphone to take with you for these things. I don't think you need one to just chat on or take to school.

  8. Absolutely!!!!  You shouldn't have ever been without one!!!  For safety reasons alone - having a cell phone is priceless!!!

  9. I think that you need a cellphone for emergency.Since you go to alot places,i think you should have a cellphone to be able to tell your parents where you are and what time they should pick up because if you don't have any communication with your parents then it will be really hard for you.

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