
Do I need a wetsuit?

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I am doing a 1 mile open water swim this weekend in New Yorks Hudson River. They say that water temperature will be about 68 degrees. Do you think I should wear a wetsuit? I am not all that comfortable with it but I dont want to to be too cold either.




  1. I think you should wear a wetsuit in case you cut yourself - God knows what infections it has in that river - better be safe than sorry don't you think - you don't want to become ill aswell as cold do you?!!!

  2. even the water is not that cold but you loose body heat very quickly its about 25 times faster than air so better be safe than sorry good luck

  3. Yes you should, its better warm then very cold.

  4. I would recommend a wetsuit. I swam a mile in 65 degree water last night, and they had to pull about 20 (of about 230) people out of the water. Were those people just weak swimmers? I don't know, but I'm sure glad I had a wetsuit on. My toes were numb when I was done.

    Most of the people they pulled said they had trouble breathing. Some of them thought the trouble was the wetsuit being too tight, but it's the water temp -- it takes your breath away!

    Go rent a suit! You won't have to be concerned about water temp and can focus on the swim.

  5. I would, I would not think the Hudson River would be all the cleanest and being in it any longer than jumping in and out real quick would be logical to wear some protective gear.

  6. Yes i think so

  7. wear one just in case

  8. .Yes, if you don't you may develop hypothermia.  68 degrees is not warm, and if you stay in the water too long you will become very cold.  I am a diver and trust me, I know about being in cold water and being miserable and not able to function.  It can also affect your muscles and reactions.

  9. Just to give you an idea how cold 68 degrees is.  Most pools used for training hover between 79 and 80 degrees.  83 is very hot and you can't train well, it feels like a bath.  If you try to swim laps in a pool that is 75 degrees your body will never really warm up.  The Hudson (despite being disgusting) is 7 degrees colder than that.  

    Wear the suit.  And good luck!
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