
Do I sound mentally challenged?

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I'm thirteen years old. I recieve extra help in school and It can be a bit embarrassing sometimes. I have two special education teachers on my team. It's really annoying because they always stand near me and ask me questions like If I know how to do the work or not. I hate being asked things I already know how to do and I'm sick of being stalked. I have talked to a teacher about it but she doesn't understand. She told me she would try to back off but she manages to do so. I really want some advice. Thank you.




  1. No you aren't mentally challenged. You probably have a learning disability. Why don't you ask one of your teachers to review your file with you so that you can find out the nature of the learning disability?

    A learning disability means that your brain is just fine, but the wiring is a bit off. Think of a frayed lamp cord. The lamp may blink on and off because the electrical current isn't steady. The light bulb is fine. You may also think of it as needing glasses, but they don't have glasses for kids with learning disabilities. Kids that need glasses aren't dumb, their eyes are defective in some way.

    You are at an age where being singled out is embarrassing. It is my suggestion that you talk with your teacher and devise a signal for when you need help. If you raise your hand, she can come over to help. Otherwise she leaves you alone. All students do this to get help, so it won't look so out of place.

    If this doesn't help and you are doing well in all of your classes, you may need a change in classification. It could be that you no longer need special education. Your parents must ask for an IEP meeting. Be sure you attend so that you can speak for yourself. The school must schedule the meeting within ten days of your parents request.

  2. I was in RSP classes all through my school years. I have A learning disability and most people That I talk to cannot believe that I have one. I may not be good at writing and math and stuff but I am smart in other ways.

    My son is Autistic.... and he is smart. no matter what anyone says.

  3. I pasted your question into a reading level analysis tool  and it came back as between 7th and 8 grade. Sounds like normal 13 year to me.

    I have no idea if this applies to you, but many school systems will do anything they can to keep a kid in "special needs"  They get extra funding for it.  

    I would suggest that you work hard in school and get along as best you can.  Then ask your parents to help you get assessed by an educator that is not from your school.   Hopefully this will result in the school being forced to reevaluate your status.   Good luck

  4. Your parents need to know about this. The principal and/or teacher will take them seriously but not you.

    Tell them they need to request an IEP meeting to tell the teachers to back off. Schools will take IEP meetings more seriously than just a letter or telling the school in person.

  5. You sound very lucid and able to express yourself very well in a complete and well written Q. Show them this and see if they agree with me.................

  6. Talk to your parents. A team meeting is the only way to ammend your Sp.Ed services. In the meantime, show your teachers that you are able to understand the lessons & succeed as a student w/o help. Don't give up on your goal, these things are EXCEPTIONALLY FRUSTRATING!! Best of luck to you.

  7. You have excellent written communication. If you are in a special education class and feel that you may not need to be, talk to your parents and have them organize a meeting to discuss testing to advance you to a higher level in school or perhaps just move you into the standard class. Good luck.

  8. I think everyone is missing the point here. I think what he really wants is to be normal like his peers in respect to having some privacy, proximity and space. I think you should have your parents do a re-eval of your IEP and then you can put in the IEP you do not want to be hovered over during class, and if you need additional assistance it would be at your convenience.  I am a Special Ed teacher, teaching regular ed classes with my special ed children mainstreamed in, and I do not treat them any different and they appreciate that. I modify their assignments and give them extra credit, time and outside meetings, if they need me.  Good Luck and stand your ground till you get what you want. It's your life, not your parents, the teachers or your peers. Be strong, demand respect and give it in return and you should go a long way and get what you want....

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