
Do Muslims believe in Angels

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  1. YES

  2. Yeah they do. All religions do, they just call them something else.

  3. Yes I do =)

    Gabriel is the most known angel

    We also have death angels

    etc etc

  4. Yes.  In fact we believe in all of the major angels... Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, etc.  The angels were created by Allah from light and follow his commands without deviation.  We believe Satan was from amongst a race of beings known as Jinn.  They were created from smokeless flame.  And as you may know human kind were created from clay (i.e. Adam.)  Allah knows best!

  5. yes..... its the 2nd element of faith in islam

    1.Faith in God

    2.Belief in the Angels

    3.Faith Messengers

    4. Faith holy books

    5.Belief in the Last Day

    6.Faith equally good and evil

  6. duuh

  7. the Wahi were came to Muhammad(swa) waya Gebrial a angels in Quran

    Allah says that one who is true muslim belive in books in prophets in angels in the day of judgement jannat and h**l and all the things which is in controll of Allah but they belive in Allah and prophet(SWA)1st

  8. Belief in angels is one of the fundamentals of Islam.

    Some of the angels that are mentioned in the Qur'ãn as Gabriel, Ezrael, Michael, Israfil, Ridhwan, Malak, etc...

    The angels are assigned different duties...

    Gabriel entrusted with conveying messages...

    Ezrael duty is drawing out of souls...

    Angel of death - Ezrael...

    Qur'ãn: (The Prostration-XXXII-II)

    "Say the angel of death, who has charge concerning you, will gather you, and afterwards unto your Lord ye will be returned."

    The Prophet(SAW) could see the angels, and even people could see them if the angels assume human appearance...

    Angels are a holy creation of ALLAH(SWT)...

    They are created out of Nur - light and have no need to eat or drink, and neither have any other human requirements...

    They are obedient and respected creation of ALLAH(SWT).

    Qur'ãn: (The Cow-II-285)...

    ... "Eash one believeth in ALLAH(SWT) and His angels and His scriptures and His messengers ... "

  9. yes!!!!

    we aknowledge them in prayer is well... the ones who record our good and bad deeds.

    Also the questioners in the grave... and of course gabriel who is reveals to the prophets (pbuh)

    Allah  knows best

    jazakh Allah khair

  10. YES,we do

    in fact , u can't be a muslim if u don't believe in


    2) the last day

    3)""" Angels"

    4) the books( QURAN, Torah, evangel,Zabour,Sohof)

    5) prophets and messengers of ALLAH/GOD

    6) destiny

  11.     * Jibrail (or Jibraaiyl or Jibril or Gabriel in English and the Bible). Jibra'il is the Archangel responsible for revealing the Qur'an to Muhammad, verse by verse. Jibra'il is known as the angel who communicates with (all of) the Prophets. He is mentioned specifically by name and as the Holy Spirit in the Qur'an.

        * Mikail (or Mikaaiyl or Michael). Michael is often depicted as the Archangel of mercy who is responsible of bringing rain and thunder to Earth. He is also responsible for the rewards doled out to good persons in this life.

        * Israfil (or Israafiyl or Raphael). According to the Hadith, Israfil is the Angel responsible for signalling the coming of Judgment Day by blowing a horn and sending out a Blast of Truth. It translates to Hebrew as Raphael. The blowing of the trumpet is described in many places in Quran. It is said that the first blow will destroy everything [Qur'an 69:13], while the second blow will bring all human beings back to life again [Qur'an 36:51].

        * Izra'il (or Azrael). Izra'il is the Angel of Death who along with his helpers is responsible for parting the soul of the human from the body. The actual process of separating the soul from the body depends on the person's history or record of good or bad deeds. If the human was a bad person in life, the soul is ripped out very painfully. But if the human was a righteous person, then the soul is separated like a 'drop of water dripping from glass'. It is also noted that The Angel of Death will look like a terrifying beast or demon for the souls of bad people and will look like 'the most pleasant sight' when he comes for the souls of good people.

  12. yea we do =)


  13. Yes.

  14. Yes.  Believing in one God, Angeles, previous Prophets and previous Divine Books, the resurrection of all humans at the end of world and the Day of Judgment  are the essential elements of Islamic faith to be believed.  

    No one can pick and choose and call himself Muslim.  

  15. Yes!

  16. Yes, of course. Muslims highly believe in Angels. Infact its one of the article of Faith of Muslims. In Quran there are many verses about angels.~!

  17. Angels, jinns, devils, Gog magog,  etc... yes islam is a very colorful religion indeed, who ever invented it had a great imagination....

  18. Dear Bell

    All religious people believe in fairy tales. That goes for muslims too


    uncle ayman

  19. 'Whoever is an enemy to Allah, and His angels, and His Messengers, and Gabriel, and Michael, then surely, Allah is an enemy to such disbelievers.' (Quran 2:98)

    Yes we do.......

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