
Do Police Officers have job Security?

by Guest44884  |  earlier

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Do police officers in LAPD AND CHP in California have job security?




  1. They do unless they get caught fencing the drugs they confiscated from some poor dealer, taking a cut of a hooker's income or some such.

  2. Hello, we're not living in the 1950's anymore.

    There's no such thing as "job security" or "financial security" anymore. If you're considered a fuc*-up, you're out of a job.

  3. every officer has job security, there's too many stupid people in the world

  4. well they do have their Unions and theres alot of people that just make too much of an effort to try and get rid of the police one officer at a time.

  5. You do if you just patrol your scout car and always look straight ahead and not get involved these days.

    Most Officers who get in trouble are agressive Officers doing their jobs and do not get promoted during these liberal times.

    So eat your donut and stay out of service every chance you get.

    You dont want the ACLU and Police Officials and the media waiting to chew you up.

  6. As long as you don't s***w up big you will have a job.  There are no layoffs on the police side; too many crimes being committed.

  7. Basically they have to REALLY s***w up to lose their badge.  For example- the Rodney King beatings caught on tape.  Job security? Sure- just don't look like the bad cop and all is well.

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