
Do Really I Look My Age?

by  |  earlier

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here's some pics of me..

i am actually almost 15 but do i look it?

older or younger?

and please rate me from a 1-10 if you think i'm pretty too..

i'm soo bored=/

people usually delete my questions..

but please don't..=]]




  1. you look your age.


    you shouldn't tuck your hair behind your ears....................

  2. you look 17.

    and I give you an 8.

  3. ya you look 15....i say 9 out of 10

  4. Your pretty..but you should take more pictures then doing that weird thing with your mouth.

  5. i say you look about 13 or 14( btw realy cute pics )

  6. you look 16 :)

    yeah dont do the lip thing.

  7. lol take some pictures SMILING not making that face that looks like you smell something awful!

    yes you do look your age dont worry

  8. you look like 16.

    but don't make those faces!!!!!!!!!!!


    answer mine?;...

  9. ya i agree with everyone stop making that face its kinda funky looking, and you look 15ish in the first pic. but the rest you look almost 17. o ya and your about an 8 or a 9  with that face you were makin and nine if you stop. good luck i hope this helped your gorgeous

  10. you look your age.

    DON'T make that face.

    your pretty but that face is awful.

  11. i think you look a little older than 14...pretty scale-- maybe a 9 :)

  12. ok, you look older, and from 1-10 i give you 7-8

    if you stop doing that mouth thing you'll look pretty-er! XD

  13. You look 15 or 16. You could pass as 18 or so to since most senior girls at my school look pretty young. I'd give you a 9.

  14. yep. you look your age..

    and i would say dat you are 8!

    ur very pretty...

    love dat face


  15. you have a funny smile. you look 17 but your really pretty

  16. Just smile and its makes you look prettier. Also Yea you should stop with the lip thing. I'm not try to be mean, I'm try to be honest. You look a little old. Kind of like your in collage or even older. I think you should have shorter bangs. but i surely like your big eyes. There really pretty. I'm asian so i don't have that much of a big eye... o.0 Oh yea, Have hair that has shorter bangs and layers. That will make you hair not look so thin. I'll look pretty. Its the style these days anyways. By the way, try putting your ahir down, don't put it up so you don't look to old and if you put your hair up and take a picture you would look like a guy. Trust me lol. I did it in a school picture. Uhh i looked so ugly so thats why i don't put my hair up anymore.

  17. the only person entitled to that bizarre sneer thing is Billy Idol!!!

    not you.


    so anyway, you look 17, 4/10.

  18. i think you look a little older maybe 16 or 17

    you are  a 91/2 out of 10 but dont do that with your lips i looks really weird and makes you look ugly no offense  

  19. u look like ur 17

    but the way u act in the picture

    tells me that ur younger

    i give u like an 8

    i would do u for sure

    and i am 15 to so i am not a pedifile lol

  20. yea. 8

    answer mine?

  21. you are cute...

    you look like you are 15... possibly could pass for 16

    but honestly whats up with that face?

    please for your own good stop making it because it  doesnt look cute at all....

  22. i think you're stunning

    and to be honest you actually look your age. but you could pass for like...16 :D

    and i told another girl this but it DOESNT matter what other ppl think

    as long as you're happy with yourself :DD

    ps - your lashes are longggg girl! they were like touching your eyebrows in one pic haha

    i want long lashes!

  23. You look like you're a little older.  If I were to guess I'd say 17 years old.  I think I'd rate you a nine because you're really pretty.  Your eyes are neat, and the face you made in most the pictures is cool.  You should do that face all the time... jk

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