
Do Sarah's faults bug you?

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I do not expect perfection from a candidate on top of the ticket or the bottom - I mean look at Obama and his associations with Wright, Ayers and Rezko. So far we have learned that Sarah "MIGHT" have tried to get her abusive brother in law fired from his state job, her daughter is pregnant (under age and not married), and her husband had a DUI 20 + years ago. Do those faults bug you?




  1. Yes.

    She is a walking disaster with glasses and as a Democrat, I am loving every minute of her drip..drip..drip...background woes..

  2. No, she's a normal person and she's a good person.

  3. Nope.

    It's called being human.

    Apparently Dems can walk on water.

    Make that Obama supporters.

    I'm married to a demoncrat that thinks these attacks on Palin and her kids are a total pile of c**p.

  4. Not all of them, but some do, but only because she's a Vice Presidential candidate.  If she were just a normal person, then no, I wouldn't have a problem with it.  But she could be V.P.

    While I don't believe that getting a DWI is ever acceptable, I'm willing to waive it as a concern, considering that the one her husband got took place in 1984, and he was in his twenties.

    Her daughter's pregnancy is a private issue, and doesn't need to be a factor in this campaign.

    The part that does bother me, however, is this State Trooper brother-in-law issue.  If it's true, it's completely unacceptable.  If not, than she's just unqualified to be V.P.  If it's true, than she's unqualified, and abuses her power.

  5. yes.

  6. What irritates me is that in her press statment, she says that she is proud of her daughter's "decision" to keep the baby, when, if left up to Sarah Palin, NO woman would get a decision. That level of hypocrisy does bug me.

  7. Nothing about her bothers me because in a couple short months she will be a nobody again accept in Alaska. If McCain does win she will still look like a saint compared to the slime we have in washington.

  8. her faults would not bug me if she wasn't running for vice president

    you would automatically put the person running for such an office on a pedestal because it's such an important position

  9. So your sister is married to a cop and they are going through a divorce and you have the ability (connections, power, etc.) to get your brother-in-law fired.  They have a boy and a girl ( or two each, or 4 girls, etc).  Now how bad do you hate your sister and not care about your nieces and nephews that you would get her cop husband/ex-husband fired (absolutely NO future for a fired cop) and deprive your sister and her children of child support and/or alimony.  think about it--it makes as much sense as drilling holes in the bottom of a life boat to drain the water out.

  10. Well, let me think about it...

    Her ex brother-in-law (Wooten, a cop) tasered her 11 year-old nephew (his own son), beat her sister (his wife), and threatened to kill her father...He was also caught drinking alcohol while driving his cruiser (several times), which is not allowed and calls for him to be fired...The person responsible for firing him refused to do it, so she fired that person...That person wasn't happy about that, so he called for an investigation...So, she is being investigated by the ethics committee (that SHE formed, btw) and she will be found not guilty of any wrongdoing

    Palin wasn't the only one who had made complaints about his actions, either

    "The personnel investigation began in April 2005, long before Palin became governor and months before her October 2005 announcement that she was running. The investigation into Wooten wrapped up in March 2006, before she was elected.

    Troopers found four instances in which Wooten violated policy, broke the law, or both"

    Sometimes when you fight corruption, the corrupt get pissed off and try to fight back...In this case, they don't have a leg to stand on.

    I wouldn't consider that one of Sarah's 'faults'

    By the time her daughter (who obviously has a mind of her own) has her baby, she will be a married adult (18 years old), with a working husband, NOT on welfare

    I wouldn't consider that one of Sarah's 'faults'

    Coincidentally...Obama's mother was pregnant with him when she was 17 and unmarried...She married his father when she was 4 months pregnant

    And I do believe that 20 years ago, Sarah was not responsible for her husband's actions...So...I'd have a hard time considering that to be one of her 'faults' also

    So...I guess that means No, her faults do not bug me

    OH, and I also happen to know that no one is perfect, and everyone I know has faults, so I can handle it.

    @Raychelsmom: I guess you have NO problem with Palin then, since you are WRONG:

    In 2002, when she was running for lieutenant governor, Palin sent an e-mail to the anti-abortion Alaska Right to Life Board saying she was as "pro-life as any candidate can be" and has "adamantly supported our cause since I first understood, as a child, the atrocity of abortion."

    Palin said last month that no woman should have to choose between her career, education and her child. She is pro-contraception and said she's a member of a pro-woman but anti-abortion group called Feminists for Life.

    "I believe in the strength and the power of women, and the potential of every human life," she said.

    "She is Christian and pro-life, but also a supporter of birth control: she's a member of Feminists For Life (FFL), an anti-abortion, pro-contraception organization. In 2002, she wrote a letter to FFL stating that she had "adamantly supported our cause since I first understood, as a child, the atrocity of abortion." She supports the teaching of creationism in public schools, alongside evolution."

    Sometimes you have to find out what a person actually said, rather than what other people are telling you about it.

  11. No don't care.  We are all guilty.  She is just not a good choice.

  12. From trophy wife when he was younger in the old days, whose money launched his political career - to trophy VP now he is old in the present day, whom he hopes will propel him be President ... what a guy! Any of "Hillary's women" who would fall for that do not deserve the vote.  

  13. No, Sarah's faults do not bug me. She's done a good job in Alaska and she will do a good job for America.

  14. Yes, certainly

  15. Every politician has faults and obstacles they face in their lives.  they are not perfect.  The fact that they face problems, or even that they brought some of these problems on themselves, isn't important.  What is important is how they work through these problems.  This is where their character shows.

    The value of a person is not measured when that person has no problems.  It is measured when he is up to his ears in trouble, and then see how he responds.


  17. No,not at all.

    We all have faults.

    I imagine if we shined the light on the Obama supporters, we'd see most of them have done a lot worse things.

  18. Her faults that I consider totally disqualifying:

    1) Her sincere Creationism;

    2) Her global-warming denial.

    Both are symptoms of "magical thinking", which is potentially disastrous in a President of the United States.  I don't care about all the other stuff.

  19. No, because she handled them very well and continued to be in leadership positions.

    Sarah Palin does not have connections with a Real Estate Con Man, A Racist church and terrorist ties. Unlike other candidates who are running for PRESIDENT and not VP.

    To sum up, I believe in Sarah Palin

  20. I rejoice in Sarah Palin's many faults. She will insure that the Bush/McCain machine slides back into the ditch where it belongs.

  21. the only issue i have with ms. palin is that she is 100% against birth control.  that makes absolutely no sense to me.  i think that a woman should be able to control how many children she has.  family planning is very responsible.

  22. Nah!

    I have seen waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay worse!

  23. So, her daughter is pregnant and her husband had a DUI 20 years. . .These are actually issues?  To me, they're non-issues, regardless of the candidate.

  24. her daughters being pregnant is not a fault of the mother as you put it. i mean god are we living in the middle ages. i mean the kid fell pregnant it happens its not a death sentence and why should the mother quit work and give up her life because her kid had an unplanned pregnancy. if evrybody who had an unplanned pregnancy did that there would be no workforce left in america. i mean how can the mom be blamed for this. is she by default now automatically responsible for every choice her daughter makes

  25. All candidates have faults and they all bug me.

  26. Sounds like Middle America to me.  Like most of those "typical white people" who vote.

    You know the "bitter" folks in small town and rural areas "clinging" to their guns and bibles?

    Remember that after Obama got caught saying that to a bunch of rich elitist snots in Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco, Hillary won as much as 75% of the vote against him in blue collar, working class, and union counties in States like PA, KY, WVa, Ky, Ohio, and Indiana.

    That was BEFORE Americans got a look at Sarah the NRA member who kicked @ss as an ethics reformer, Commander of the Alaska National Guard, nemesis of Big Oil, and working mother of FIVE kids.

    This pretty woman IS middle America - the same folks that the elitists look down their noses at.

    So Middle America has a new champion.

    She's THEIR girl.

    The polls are reflecting it.

    McCain/Palin = Obama/Biden - Dead even.

    I don't care if she bugs me or not.  

    Regular folks are the backbone of this country.

    They deserve a voice.

  27. Not really. He had a DUI 20 years ago. if he was running I might care. but his wife is running. and besides so still better than obama. so your blaming her for trying to get a Bad person fired. that's not horrible.  Her daughter is pregnant (not the greatest thing in the world but i think it adds to her being a real American) she has problems like the rest of us. so her teeange daughter is 17. Age of consent in alaska is 16. She's marrying the baby dady.  I think it increases the pro-life  movement.  

  28. There are a few key words in there.  Past tense and present tense, Obama's currently friends with Write, Ayers and Rezko and he stated that he plans to get political opinions from them.

    However, most of those things about Sarah Palin's faults weren't Sarah Palin's.  It was her husband, not her, and it was over 20 years ago.  Everyone makes a silly mistake like that, not to mention TWENTY years ago.  Her daughter is pregnant and it's the daughter's fault, not Sarah's.  And MIGHT?  Right.

    There is a difference.

  29. the DUI part does not bug me, that was years ago, cnt be judging someone by that, the power abuse doesn't really bug me (she surely isnt the only one, Bush has been doing it since he got it in more ways and they're politicians..) but certainly her daughter's pregnancy is very very disturbing.

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