
Do Whales Sleep???

by  |  earlier

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I've always wondered about this?

What do u think??




  1. YEs!

  2. Half of their brain sleeps at a time. Breathing for them requires being conscious, and if they were fully asleep then there would be a problem.




  3. half of their brain is asleep and half is awake.

    i read it in a whale book.

  4. ya whale sleep. when it sleep it keeps it one eye open .half of its brain is awake n other half is sleeping

  5. it is called uni-hemispheric sleep.  half the brain goes through the same sleep cycle that you do, while the other half remains alert.  Dolphins location in a pod corresponds with which hemisphere is awake.  If the right hemisphere is awake, they are located on the left side of the pod, since the brain controls the opposite body half and vice versa.

  6. Only when they are safely out of the water.

  7. yes ma'am. half they're brain sleeps and the other remains awake :]]

  8. yes,,,,and dont come near the one tat will blow u the Old Faithful....
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