
Do You like my boob job??????????????

by  |  earlier

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I just got a boob job and and now i have 32C cups and i love them. They used to be 32A. When a wear a push up bra its like the whole world is looing at me. (i know im kinda a s**t ;) plz rate my b***s ( picture in the upper left hand corner.)




  1. ???  no pic but congrats

  2. ..... well that was a dumb desicion in ur life and for the perso n who said they can break sry :) i watched manswers even a 500 pound dude couldnt pop them even a micowave only way is gunshot so next time aim for the b***s ;D jk

  3. stop being a w***e.

    Noone cares about your  fake ******* b***s.


  4. ...ew...

    Aren't you're b***s gonna harden though as the silicone ages? Plus, you can actually pop the silicone...THAT would be embarrassing.

    Blaze: Really? Huh, I thought I'd read somewhere that a girl's broke right after getting the job. Hmmm...maybe I got it mixed up with something else...

    either way, you get the point :-)

  5. ok seriously id rather have a flat girl than girls with fake b***s. HAHA YOUR FAKE U CAN NEVER GO BACK. YOU ARE A FAKE GIRL. GOOD JOB WHAT A DUMB DECISION YOURE FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE

  6. Whatever floats your boat (or your b***s), I guess.  

    No picture, though, so it's hard to judge.  

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