
Do all you English.........?

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Have faith that Capello will get you to the 2010 World Cup?




  1. nope

  2. we can get there but we cant win!


  3. LOL nutnut get off your high horse!

    Maybe you have a better team on paper but football is played on Grass! And i think all true English fans would rather have what Scotland Have, and that's a team that plays together, Not a bunch of big headed overpaid F*nny's!

    If Capello can get that then he will get you to the World cup! But i think the phrase "Mission Impossible" Comes into mind! If he does tho they should make him a "Sir" like they do with everyone else.

  4. Bring back Keegan!!

    I'm Welsh though.

  5. we'll qualify but probably get kicked out in the early stages.

  6. yes . . . how far we get in the cup is another matter!

  7. No chance, its the player that let us down

  8. lol @ nutnuts reply, good one mate.

  9. This might sound lame, but who's Capello?

  10. Of course we will get there

  11. Capello will get us there but we won't progress very far.

  12. on paper - player for player, value for value england have the best team in the world,

    players like carrick (who can't even make the squad sometimes) cost £18 million.

    darren bent (can't even make the squad) £16.5 million

    hargreaves £20 million

    rio £30 million

    and how much is players like gerrard/lampard/rooney/joe cole/terry/ashley cole/owen/walcott/beckham/richards/barry (list goes on) worth?

    its just a matter of getting players to perform for their country like they do for their club, can capello do that? well hes achieved near enough everything that can be achieved in football so if he can't do it noone can.

    *edit* well the question you asked was "do you english have faith that capello will get you to the 2010 world cup" and i said yes if he can make players perform for their country like they do for their club! at the moment england is shite, but on paper we have the best (or one of the best) teams in the world, thats just fact and it would take a jealous scot to say different and looking at your profile you are scottish.

    which suggests to me this question is not really a question, its just your way of saying 'england are c**p' so my reply to you would be take a look at your own countrys squad and ask yourself would 1 current scotsman would make it into the england squad? if you answer truefully the answer would be no as the best player scotland currently have is darren fletcher and hes not exactly world class is he?

  13. yeah maclaren was swag

  14. He'll be long gone before then! And no, we won't qualify :-(

  15. I AM NOT ENGLISH BUT - i support the country. and i think coppelo will get us to the 2010 world cup.

  16. We are in a pretty weak group really, so even Mclaren could get us there. Getting there should not be too hard...but how well we do once we are there is a different matter altogether.

  17. yep

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