
Do allotments cause diseases like myxomatosis

by Guest59942  |  earlier

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Do allotments cause diseases like myxomatosis




  1. No myxomatosis was released by the government

  2. ...No, allotments don't CAUSE a blood borne infection like myxomatosis, but rabbits who live in an allotment can be more prone to myxy, simply due to the fact that the insects that carry it are more likely to be in that area than say, indoors or in a city. Also, wild rabbits carrying it are more likely to be around the area.

    I would always advise ANY rabbits living outside to get the injection against myxy. It's a horrible and too often fatal disease that can be protected against with two simple and cheap injections a year.

  3. I have myxomatosis.

  4. no the only thing that causes myxomatosis is man, it is a man made disease that is released yearly to control the rabbit population, i am sure if they tried they could come up with a kinder way to cull rabbits

  5. No, myxomatosis is a disease carried by wild rabbits.

    You should definetely get your rabbits vaccinated against this because it is a fatal disease. At first, normally the disease is visible by lumps (myxomata) and puffiness around the head and genitals. It then may progress to acute conjunctivitis and possibly blindness; however, this also may be the first indication of the disease. The rabbits become listless, lose appetite, and develop a fever. Secondary bacterial infections occur in most cases which cause pneumonia and purulent inflammation of the lumps. In typical cases where the rabbit has no resistance, death takes an average of 13 days.

    Your rabbit will need a vaccination against this every 6 months to 1 year.

    Hope this helps.  

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