
Do babies think??!?

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well i'm glad that most of you actually gave some thought to the question... i dont think i babe can actually think 'this this good i'll eat it' they just do it.

i just wanted other peoples thoughts on this. (Thanx to all those who gave me an insight that they eat and poo... helpful.)




  1. no they are brain dead??????????

  2. Yes..Babies do think.....They are actually pretty smart!.....I saw a documentary on discovery channel explaining by some qualified doctors, that babies are actually smarter than adults. And..of course babies have feelings also.

  3. of courswe they do

    they learn many new things as it comes

  4. Depending on your stand on religion you may or may not agree with this statement, but here are my beliefs:

    Before we come here as babies we are spirits in Heaven..children of God. We had abilities and talents and gifts that we are to use here to better the world. So, in that case all babies have just left our Heavenly Father, and they are still extremely close to him spiritually. They might even remember being there with him still..imagine if they could speak! I believe strongly that babies think.. more than we even know.

  5. Well I presume they do! However in a very different way to us I am sure! As when I think, I think in words, babies don't know words, and have limited images to recall!

  6. no, and storks deliver babies.


  7. Yes!

    Of course, God have given us brain to think.

  8. of course they do...what do you think they are doing when they are staring off in outer space.

  9. no they don't think yet, cauz they are absorbing information, they are being program. It's like getting a new pc whatever you install there, that's what you gonna get. Thinking is learned at later years, like in school or by instructions. babies are new to the world like a virgin new to s*x.

  10. Once they are a few months old they definitely are thinking. Newborns, idk the answer.

  11. yes, and they pick up everything.They might not understand, like idk if they dream. BUT Like when i say hi they look at me. They learn too. they are so cute. O_o

  12. yes they do

  13. of course they do we don't need language to think,how many deaf mute people are there in this world and they are just as intelligent as you or I.

  14. i think they do for sure

    my first reaction was to say that they 'process'

    but yeah i think they do think

    of course it's different that the typical way that we might 'think' of thinking....

    i am sure there are lots of sites and videos online

    i remember this cool documentary i watched about babies not wanting to crawl on a glass table as they were afraid they would fall through, then when it was covered up they'd go. it was neat

  15. They sure do. The just don't have words associated with what they feel, so they can't quite express themselves. But they definitely do think.

    Try thinking of this concept: "I went to the store."

    Immediately your first reaction is images. You see your transportation - your car, bike, feet. You see the store. You see the "going" process. Maybe it's all in different orders, but you get what I'm trying to say. The images of "going to store" comes naturally before the words even form in your mind.

    You'll find you can even express to yourself things like "She betrayed me" or "I'm going next week to the movie Wall-E" without using any words. I notice I'll do this when I'm tired and don't want to bother with vocabulary. My mind will finish what I wanted to say before I can think of the words that complete the sentence.

    These images and emotions and memories are how babies think. :)

  16. Yes they do.  This may sound weird, but I actually remember thinking as a baby.

    I remember getting upset because these ladies were standing over my crib in a creche laughing at me.

    I didn't like it, and for some weird reason it's stayed in my memory as an adult.

  17. yes theyve done many studies on babies brainwave patterns and they think its not as complex as you do but they have thought proccesses

  18. they are obviously thinking something when they cry, but probably something that all the people around them couldn't understand b/c of the simplicity of it, which i know realize sounds kinda crazy, but w/e

  19. ya but not like us

  20. yes. unless they are vegetables?

  21. duhhhhhhh every living thing thinks!!

  22. of course babies think

    *baby thinking*

    Oooh! Look at that! I don't know what it is, but I'm gonna try to eat it...

    Hey! What was I doing? I forget. I hate it when that happens. Oooh! Look at that! I don't know what it is, but I'm gonna try to eat it... lol

  23. of course but they also c**p p**s and cry

  24. Yes.

  25. they dont think, they just defecate, and eat ground up paste.  they gain the thinking ability when you allow them to insert a fork into the electrical outlet.
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