
Do bigger frisbees fly further?

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What is the best type of frisbee for stability and more importantly, distance?

Bigger or smaller?

Also, what about frisbees with holes in the middle, do they go further?




  1. I've found that the best ones are rigid and about medium size. Not the ones with the hole. I don't have anything to base it on besides personal preference though.

  2. Go buy some frisbees and work it out for yourself !

  3. im guessing the big ones would glide more the ones with the hole in  go fast and its fun to catch but i have the medium sized one go for the cheapest one thats made well!

  4. Yes, if they are thrown harder.

    Acceleration = Force / Mass

    The greater the Force, the greater the acceleration. If Mass increases, Force must be increased to compensate.

    A hole in the middle would cause loss of  lift and, thereby, decreased distance.

  5. What is really important here is how much lift you can get and who fast you can throw it (as well as drag).

    There will be a size limit where you cannot throw it any faster.

    Why not try it would?

  6. Really, really big ones are UFOs, and travel interstellar distances.  So the bigger, the better.

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