
Do (cancer) biopsies hurt?

by  |  earlier

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if it's a mole on my arm, will it hurt? will the numb shot hurt? will the actual CUTTING of the mole hurt? and if i do need to get the mole removed, will that hurt as well?




  1. The little pricks they do during the numbing process is the only discomfort during the procedure. You cannot feel the actual cutting of the mole. Depending of the depth and area they must cut, they may place two to three stitches. Afterwards there maybe some discomfort but that really depends on the location. On the arm probably not.

  2. cutting the mole out wont hurt. they'll freeze that area, the needle is just a tiny pinch, and you will feel something like ice, and then they cut it out, without you feeling it, after it wears off though, it can be sore.

  3. Your doctor should numb the area of the biopsy prior to doing the procedure.  A local anesthetic will numb the immediate area of the biopsy.  A regional anesthetic would numb your arm.  Either way the most you should feel is the prick of an injection.

    After the biopsy you may have a small amount of pain, but it shouldn't be anything that keeps you from your normal activity.


  4. No pain in the actual surg, just a little needle stick and any wimp can stand that.   I can, and if I can , anybody can.

  5. They usually just remove it and then test it later in the lab - they don't usually biopsy moles because it's so small.  If they do you will only feel the sting of the numbing shot and you may feel the cutting motion of the knife, like a tugging, but it won't hurt.

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