
Do cats move there tail voluntarly?

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Do cats move there tail voluntarly?




  1. Yes.  They also use their tail to aid in jumping.  It helps them with balance.

    Still, they may flick their tail while sleeping if you call their name.  That is an involuntary response.  Cats are cool.


  2. Of course. It's how they express themselves. Here's a cool website that explains all the different positions/movements and what they mean.

  3. Yes, they especially thump their tail when they are annoyed.

  4. Cats can move their tail voluntarily

    Usually the move it to communicate emotion

    if they lash it around they are angry

    if it is sticking up in the air with the tip bent a little bit, it usually means they are content and/ or happy

    when they're eating they usually hold it just off the floor and have it strait, it looks to me like they're concentrating

    if they have it force down as far as it can go, they are being defensive (ears will be back and fur most likely is fluffed up, especially if there is another cat around)

    Another key use for cats tail, and probably more important, is for balance

    When a cat is walking on a narrow platform it moves it's tail around to help give it more balance.

    But sometimes they move it involuntarily, like it might twitch if they're sleeping, just like we do sometimes

  5. no cts have no controll of their tail moving but when they are mad there tail will thump and tend to e a bit more jittery but is you cat is calm and happy it will mive a bit more relaxed and a good way to tell if your cat is sleeping is to see if there tail if movnig because if it is not they are really sleeping well i wish you my best of luck bye! :]

  6. Yes they do move their tails voluntarily. They also move it different ways to mean different things.

    Example: When my cats are sleeping and I say their name while speaking to them the tip of the tail will move to acknowledge they heard me.

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