
Do cigars smell really bad?

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Sometimes at my college when the day is through I like to walk around and light up a cigar. I usually smoke cheap ones like $1.00 Dutch Masters. Am I embarrasing myself?




  1. Some smell good and other make me want to puke.  

  2. Probably not.

  3. Definately cheap ones. Good cigars don't leave a lingering smell like the crappy ones.

    Tip, use matches to light your cigars instead of a gas lighter ^_~

  4. The cheap ones do smell bad.  Only you can embarrass yourself.  Only you can answer that question.

    The good quality cigars smell good.  At $1 a piece isn't a good one.

  5. Cheap cigars like DM's smell really bad.

    I only smoke hand rolled cigars, not homogenized sheet tobacco wrapped short fillers...

  6. I've never smelled Dutch Masters but there are some that smell really good

  7. Some do, and some don't!

    I have smelled both.   Some smell real good, and others make me feel like barfing, and some are in between.

    The thing to do, is to ask the people your around the most.  If they answer like I did, than ask them which ones does not bother them.

  8. Not all of them smell bad.  You are obviously old enough to purchase the cigar so I say who cares what anyone else thinks.  This is a free country and you have every right to smoke that cigar.  So light up another one and puff away!  Now I need a cigarette.  Listen if you think it smells bad then it does-otherwise keep on lighting up!

  9. I think they smell really nice, but thats my opinion. I'm a smoker and i love the smell of cigarettes too.

    I too love the occasional cigar, but if you are paranoid you can get things over here called "tasty puff" it comes in a range of scents, and you put a few droplets of this on the cigar leaf and it slightly masks the smell in the given scent. My friend uses it on her roll ups and it works pretty well.

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