
Do deaf people hear internal voices?

by  |  earlier

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When I read or think to myself, I hear an internal voice that talks to me. Do deaf people hear an internal voice? I think that if you had hearing at one time, but then lost it, you might still hear your internal voice (I could be entirely wrong, though). What about those who are born deaf? Do they use an internal voice, or do they think in their own ways, such as sign language?

Any well-thought answer will be appreciated!




  1. I've wondered that also, because I think in English and my other language. I'm half deaf so I can't answer for certain but I'd say they have their own internal language, I doubt they picture sign language in their head to think things.

  2. I would think that deaf people would still have internal dialog, it doesn't go through the ears so whether someone can hear or not shouldn't matter.

  3. no because all they think is sign language and picture it in their head.

  4. ok so i wasnt born deaf so i cant answer that part of your question, i however lost my hearing a few years ago.

    because i grew up with 16 years of hearing, i still hear voices internally, they are much more fuzzy now i guess you could say though. like when i interact with a person ive known for a long time, i imagine what their voice sounds like but cant quite make it out anymore. but i do have male and female voices inside my head say when i read a book or interact with someone whos voice i never heard before i became deaf, but just one of each pretty much, not many different depths and tones and stuff like that. im not really sure how else to explain it, if you want me to try to explain it better or something like that, you can email me :)

    hope i helped:)

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