
Do dental implants last forever?

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I am getting one and need to know if I will ever need to relpace it.




  1. For the most part, yes. They have been known to fail if your body rejects it or the bone around it is weak. But if you have healthy bone around it and your body takes the implant well (it usually does) then that implant will be with you forever, even if it's the last tooth in your mouth!

  2. As long as you have the implant done by a reputable dentist and your body takes well to it, then yes! It should be done by an Oral Surgeon or Periodontist. Having a dental implant done is a long process, anywhere from 6 mon or more.  The first step is having the tooth removed,, and if they need to the have to pack bone in the missing hole, after that heals then they insert the s***w.  Once the s***w is in then its up to the body to take.  Your bone has to grow around the s***w (osiointegrate). When that is completed then you are ready for the crown.  During the healing process your your general dentist or Prothstodontist can give you a temp crown that way you don't have the open space.  So as long as your body takes the implant then yes you shouldn't have a prob. with it.  It has a FAR better prognosis then a bridge!

    Is there something wrong with my answer??????  Please let me know!!

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