
Do dogs get enough credit?

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My family and I were at the circus today -- tigers, elephants, horses, llamas, even a porcupine. Plus dogs. The dogs were very athletic and able to do the most tricks. Easily the smartest animals there. As a culture, do we give dogs enough credit?




  1. I had to put my dog, Jessie, a black lab/border collie mix, down last year and it was brutal.  She was my best friend, without a doubt.

  2. Yes. We give them too much credit. They're probably one of the animals people learn about first and are loved by nearly everyone. We sometimes treat them as if they were humans.

  3. um yeah sure?

    i dunno i love dogs....    :D

  4. i think so

  5. dont knwo i have a pit bull and i give my dog the world most look down on her ok a lot of people do but if u over look athe bad and see the good the dogs are smart will save your live and will not back down to keep u safe . let me see dogs on the news have lifes liek save u from a firs up cop dogs drug smelling dogs bild people dogs ex.. some people do not get how smart they are  my dog her self well sit lay down f**t  give paw play knows yes and no and go get and out side and treat  she runs to the door when u way walk  goes to the frige when u say treat  um jumps on the bed when i say sleep ex.. dos dont get the credit they need just dum people fighting them and hatting on them my dog i know would die for me and i to will her. and she knows it .. the bsl lol um i guess wee need to srat to bannd birds cats and fish my bird is meaner then my dog my cat is a killer and the fish lol eats other fish.. bad mean or dead i give all dogs credit for puting up with are mess wee put them in to even if they have no choice for one fact .. they do it to keep use happy ....

  6. No

  7. We refer to them as man's best friend, so I think we do give them a lot of credit.

  8. No, some people are still scared of dogs.  I'll never get it.  Dogs are awesome!

  9. yes we do lol

  10. I give dogs a lot of credit! :]

  11. idk

  12. I worry that as far as "culture" is concerned we don't care for or respect any animals. But my dog runs the house here, so he get's all the credit.

  13. As a culture, I think we do give dogs a lot of credit, and deservedly so, but society sometimes lets them down. As much as most of us love our dogs, there are a lot of mistreated, abandoned and neglected dogs. There are people who use dogs in dog fighting and puppy mill operations, and there are animal hoarders, who for whatever reason, take on more dogs than they can possibly care for.

    I know my dogs are part of the family, and I think that is the way it is with most people who have dogs. When I had to have my last Sheltie put to sleep because of cancer, I cried for her and also the one I had before her because I missed them both and they were such wonderful dogs!

    I'll bet at the circus, people were more into the animals they don't see every day, because that is what you usually associate with a circus - animals like elephants, lions and tigers, and the horses. Knowing me, I probably would have enjoyed watching the dogs' performance the most! (=

  14. My pitbull LuLu is my best friend.   We don't give dogs enough credit.   They are loyal, loving and have lots of gratitude.   I love my dog.

  15. My Pug is here doing my taxes, we'll see how much credit he gets. No dog's certainly don't, and for being "man's best friend" we sure don't return the favor.

  16. i give animals more credit then i give humans

  17. i say yes we sure do because have you seen how some dogs live i mean in the U.S.A. at least most dogs have it better then the people in third world countries

  18. too much...Lassie was a fraud!

  19. You might ask that to the people who run shelters and have to put so many to sleep every year, I'd quote a number if I had it, but I know it's staggering. So No they don't get enough credit.

  20. We give them too much. In fact, some women I know treat their dogs like their children- I kid you not!

    Fact is, they're just animals. With no real conciousness or will.

  21. I would say so... a lot of people treat their dogs royally...

    More, and more people are giving their dogs orthodontic treatment now. Some even send them to a dog spa...

    Quite honestly, we're treating our dogs better than our children. And I don't blame you, dogs are adorable!

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