
Do early pregnancy tests really work?

by  |  earlier

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My husband and I are trying to conceive, I am suppose to get my period on Aug 17 when do you think I can take an pregnancy test and get a correct answer......We are dying to know if we're prego :)




  1. They have tests out that can tell you 3 days before your period is due.

  2. Well I waited about a month and half  for my test taking. And it came back positive both of them. U want to make sure that u have enough Hcg in ur urine. I'm preggo with my 3rd. I'm 16 weeks. So wait a little while and then test. Sometimes u can test too early and still dont become preggo. Or u can go to the doctor and get a blood test that is more accurate. Good luck sweatheart to u aand ur hubby.

  3. If your period is due on the 17th, that makes you approximately 6 days past ovulation right now. If you are pregnant, it's still much too early for a test to show positive.

    It's advisable to wait until at least the day your period is actually due to test - and even then, it could be too early. It takes a while for the levels of hCG (the pregnancy hormone that tests detect) to build up in your system enough to show. When I was pregnant with my second son, a test still showed up negative a week AFTER my period was due - so you never know!

    I know you're excited, and it's hard to wait ... so my advice is to get a few First Response Early Pregnancy tests, which are supposedly the most sensitive on the market, and start testing on the 15th or so. Don't be discouraged if you don't get a positive right away though ... as long as your period doesn't show, keep testing.

    Good luck! :)

  4. It all depends on your body and how you produce the Hcg.  I bought 3 different types of early pregnancy tests.  I started testing 4 days before my missed period.  I got 4 negatives and I didn't get my positive until the day of my missed period.  Everybody's body is different, of course.  If you want to start testing early, go ahead but just don't get too discouraged if they are negative.  Thats hard to do!  Good luck and lots of baby dust!  =)

  5. I used First response with my second pregnancy 5 days before my period was due, and i got a deffinate positive instantly. I'd suggest if you dont want to wait til you have actually pissed your period then test no more than 5 days prior, and even if you get a negitive, dont be disheartened, try again after a couple of days, i wish you well.

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