
Do fish fins grow back?

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I have 2 eel tailed cat fish sharing a tank. I think one bit the other one's fin off. Will it grow back. The fish is now lathargic and depressed looking. Would it be in pain? What should I do?




  1. If the edges of the fin where it is torn are white or fuzzy looking, it has fin rot. In which case, you need to get something called Melafix and follow the instructions on the bottle.

    If the spine looking things are damaged then it might not grow back, however, I had a goldfish with a dorsal fin missing a piece and it grew back. It grew back white and slightly deformed but it's there. Even if it doesn't, so long as it heals fine and doesn't rot the fish will be back to normal so long as it isn't missing a large piece.

    Lethargy could be because of pain, try the Melafix. It should clear up a number of problems that could happen in a few days.

    Good luck with your fish! I hope it gets better soon.

  2. i think like lizard tails they do grow back-

    i don't know how long it would take though!

  3. yeah fins grow back, as long as the fin base is still there. trust me its happened to my fish!

  4. i don't think the fins will grow back. If its a baby fish i think the fins will keep growing

  5. Depending on how much of the thicker tissues were damaged.If you want them to grow take out the fish that has been nipping there fins.

  6. try to catch it and put it in a separate tank (portable) then go see a vet.

  7. Despite what the others have said here, I have SEEN my goldfish grow pieces of fins back after they are damaged from fights or fin rot.  I've also noticed that healing fins can look white, or lighter than the rest.  I thought this was fin rot and tried treating it, but it seems to be healing tissue.  However, it COULD be fin rot, so treating for it is a good idea if you see white edges.

    If your fish is stressed, there are over the counter medicines you can get to calm them and help them heal.  Also, for any injured fish, Melafix is useful to promote healing.

  8. no

  9. if its not too bad it will you can get a medication for helping this, go to your local fish store

  10. It won't grow back.

    The other fish may not have bit it off though.. the acidity level from the fish urine could be too high and causing it's fins to rot. It happened to my fish. If this could be the case then you can buy a liquid to put in the tank from your local aquarium. Look for "burns" on the fish, or redness.

    If the other fish did bite it off then it will heal hopefully (not grow back though)

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