
Do fish pine for each other?

by Guest65478  |  earlier

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My uncle has a pond on his back garden with quite a few fish and 2 of them always used to swim around together. However, sadly one of them died about 2 weeks ago and the other wouldn't leave it alone before my uncle removed it. My uncle said he had noticed that since the first one died it hadn't really been eating and sadly died today. My uncle is obviously going to get the water tested in case there is anything which has caused the 2 fish to die and obviously, he doesn't want to loose anymore.

It's weird that the second fish to die is the one that was always with the first fish. I've heard of dogs and other animals pining for each other but never fish. Has anyone ever heard of this, I would be most interested?




  1. i have kept fish for the past 40 years and even thoug fish swim together it is unlikely that they pine for each other as the the memory of fish is about 3 seconds according to the scientific world

  2. do that too...goldfish especially..even oscars..I have heard of tetras as well..yeah they do actually are very smart and intelligent...

  3. Some fish naturally swim togeather it's possible that it is missing it's swim mate, so yes in a way they do pine for each other.

    I have seen this happen in Rudd in tanks, that when one is removed the other will go crazy trying to find the other.

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