
Do gers fans want boruc charged??

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surely its banter, put aside your hatred for the guy and think for a minute rangers fans slated him with songs about his wife he reacted by giving the finger whats the big deal? the wee monkey novo tries to wind us up all the time and i wouldnt want him charged, surely the banter should be kept away from the polis and left on the pitch??




  1. I think he has proved time and time again that he is an arrogant attention seeking idiot who has been warned about his conduct before yet he goes and does something silly yet again. He is a liability and wants to be punished one way or another so he can use it as an excuse to get out of the goldfish bowl to Pasteur's new.

    He has been warned, continued yet again and so should be punished by the SFA.

    Rangers have been warned about singing The Billy Boys and if they continued would also be punished.

  2. Nah! He's just a big BIG monkey.

  3. like u say its a bit o banter u would be an idiot to let it get to u but thats what the old firm is about slaggin other players

  4. its all a bit of fun really, Fans should not bait the players if they do not want a reaction.

    I get annoyed sometimes but if your neighbor gave you the finger, the police would not even want to get involved.

  5. Most don't i would think but you do get the one's like Eddie the BJK fandango who think its completely ok to shout their mouths off from the sidelines then go running to the police or any authority in the vicinity  and greet like they are mortaly wounded ,aye right,i would love to see some of them walk into a few bars in Glasgow spouting sh1te about the patrons of the bars wife getting shagged,they would without a doubt have no tounge left to wag to the police.

  6. he is just a big walloper id like to see him act like that on the street

  7. he threw a hissy fit and stormed off the park after a shocking display.

    the only way id tell a copper is to give them a laugh.

  8. no, but i think that celtic should give him a hefty fine.if not what will the shmolie goalie do next. too tell you the truth ,i think he tried to put a hand up for a wave  but coudnt react in time

  9. no..i honestly think its daft getting the police involved..what can they charge him with..having a bad game and acting like a big wean,,its a mans game..get over it and gers fans..just be happy giving him a wee slagging..thats what football is all about..

  10. it's all just a bit of banter...I would do more than shove my finger up if I was getting dogs abuse for 45 minutes...could have been worse, remember Cantona? bet that fan wished he had STFU lol

  11. And what happened when the Celtic fans wound up Gazza and he reacted? Not so understanding then were you!

  12. Yes but only by his Club. He is a role model for young people and should act accordingly. Yes you can get stick off fans all day but to rise to it shows a complete lack of class. I would have liked to have seen Boruc turn to the Rangers fans and laugh and give them a clap.

    This would have shown Artur to be the bigger man he thinks he is. It would have stopped the rangers fans baiting him and shown all he can take stick in the right way.

    This is not the first brush with trouble for Artur and he does need to think before he acts and then maybe he will improve where it matters most and that's on the pitch. I do feel Celtic have let this go for too long and are now wishing they had not.

  13. must admit ...if hes not in the correct frame of mind and gets abused for the last 45 minutes with the rangers fans behind him its only fair he gets a wee dig in ......  but defo a club matter and no more .....keep the pigs out of football i say

  14. True if i was at a game dishing it out i would not run greetin to the nearest official when i got a bit back  

  15. All he needs is for someone from Celtic to tell him to behave and grow up.  I don't hate him, but he is a trouble-maker.  We have enough of those already.

  16. We would be happy to leave it all in football & not involve authorities. However septic started all this **** with sending letters to SFA, UEFA etc. Any time they don't like something we done.

    So give you a taste of your own medicine. I hope he is charged/fined & banned.

  17. one day he will go too far................

    52 in the bag * * * * *

  18. banter fa wise up and put away YOUR blindfold F's... provocation is how the law in Scotland sees it...if in England it wound be incitement to cause a riot

    He is supposed to be a professional he the only player that's had things said about his wife ?NO .Nor will he be the last. your club has encouraged him by not disciplining him right from the start he didny know what he was getting himself into the first time he done it ...he made the first move then and hes stuck in a rut now, that will never go away, his actions are for reactions now

    POLICE NOo IS IT! that's a fcuking joke in its Sel..

    milks facts are out there BHOY i got no pleasure out of what your board ALLOWED Torbett to get away with, or seeing the consequences of the affected family involved

  19. dont really see the problem myself.  i love boruc, think he's a gr8 goalie and an evn better wind up merchant lol.  it's all just fun....ferguson winds up the celtic fans all the time and no1 says nuttin about it.  long live the holy goalie!

    ps...shows u how good the football was when all anyone can talk about is bouc hehe...rangers may have won the game but i thought the football from both teams was beow par.  

  20. do you think the holy goalie would care what the huns think but i do know that the 2 cowards that attacked lennon are about to be charged wonder how big they will be when their names come out

  21. When any opposing player makes a gesture in my direction at a game I find it amusing. To get offended by this wouldn't even cross my mind. After all when we do sing songs aimed as an insult to a player are we not looking for a reaction? All good as far as I'm concerned, no need for police involvement. Yeah I get angry from time to time dependant on the circumstances but it's all part of the game. Banter is banter offensive or not. Give it out, take it back.

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