
Do ghosts wear pants?

by  |  earlier

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How do they stay up?




  1. If a ghost would manifest itself as a full figure apparition you would see it as it sees itself.

  2. Yes or a dress. ghosts wear what they wore while alive. It is very seldom you see a naked ghost but there has been a few sightings.

  3. They ought to (or a skirt, if that applies), or people won't take them seriously when they appear. We might even laugh at them. D:

  4. of course not, the ability to wear pants requires mass. A ghost is a massless spirit, and thus there is no way the pants could be supported.

    I would assume most ghosts as well as leprecauns roam around bare naked, which might explain why don't like to be seen.

    By the way, despite Darth Eugene Vadars leap of logic that pants don't exist if ghosts don't exist.......pants do exist.

    I am wearing a pair myself.

  5. it depends if they had pants on when they died.

  6. If it were an actual spirit of a person, they would not have a physical form, they'd just be pure energy, hence no need for pants. I believe most full figured apparitions that people see aren't really spirits, merely a sort of photograph of a person that's somehow embedded in the surrounding atmosphere. Since most people walk around with clothes on, then that "photograph" will include the image of clothing as well, hence there's not many stories (or none that I've heard anyway) of ghosts appearing naked.

  7. they dont wear pants

  8. They wear suspenders.

  9. Human ghosts have on the ghosts of dead, spiritually disturbed trousers.

  10. casper doesnt wear pants :) lol

  11. I Would truly love to know the answer to that question

  12. I really hope so. I don't want some naked dude ghost going full frontal on me!

  13. I never heard of a naked ghost siting before but who knows.


  15. well i would hope so. I wouldnt want to see ghostly unmentionables. LOL

  16. One of the ghosts I tried to help wore "ghost" pants, a "ghost" checkered shirt with blood stains all over it. It was obvious this ghost was stabbed to death when he was alive.

    Got any more stupid questions?

  17. There are no ghosts, therefore no pants.

  18. you sound funny!

  19. Have you ever seen a naked ghost???

    Duh! They dont fly around naked. Who would???

  20. No ,they run around with their balls hanging out .

  21. laughing as I type this....Great. A ghost with the - ahem- most... a ghost with a woody! He would need to wear pants! Actually, if the ghost was, shall we say, um, "busy", he most certainly would not be wearing anything, much less pants!

  22. They sure do and they wear a belt too.

  23. Only if you see them. lol

  24. well I'd hope the wear pants:) Wouldn't want the ghostie's thingies hangin' out lol

  25. I couldn't tell it had a sheet over its head.

  26. Lol thats great :>

  27. A better question: Do pants wear ghosts? :-) Seriously, though, I once saw a pair of men's pants walking down my driveway in broad daylight. They looked filled out as if being worn. Upon reaching the end of the driveway they faded away.  But I have also seen full-bodied apparitions wearing clothing and with no pull of gravity to them, there is no issue of staying up.

  28. Since they are just evil angels impersonating dead humans they can look like or wear anything they like.

  29. of course they do...but you can see right through them.
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