
Do girls like being admired?

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The thing is, every time I see a really pretty girl, I can't help but look at her and I always look away if she notices. Yesterday, I saw a really pretty girl and she was smiling and seemed to be having a good time with her friends so I couldn't help but admire her beauty from a distance. Well, when she finally did take notice of the fact that I was looking, the smile immediately faded from her face and she blushed visibly. I looked away and didn't look back again. My question is, do girls like it when guys look at them/ admire them from a distance, or does it annoy them to be looked at?




  1. i love being admired, but not to the point where it makes me feel awkward because he just stares too much or is too touchy feely at the wrong times (in public, in front of family, etc.). It's a wonderful feeling feeling loved and wanted, so yes I like it a lot lol.

  2. Doesn't everybody feel special when somebody notices them? :) Yup, it's always cute when a guy looks at you! The girl you noticed probably became self-conscious, shy, or even nervous because a boy was looking at her! It's only weird and creepy if the dude just stares at you glances and smiles are fine, just dont scare her off! haha

  3. Yes we do even if it makes us blush we are thinking my does this guy have good taste or what.

  4. Yes we do!

    However, when a boy starts 'ogling' certain body parts it can be incredibly creepy..

  5. I think thay do like it but a lot of girls don't realise they are pretty and may think you are thinking how stupid they look so they might feel embarrased when they catch you looking.

  6. We love it ;) Secretly..

    She's just shy, which is really cute cause it shows she's pretty and she doesn't know it. She isn't big headed about it.


  7. Yes girls love to be admired by guys.

    Especialy cute guys.

    She probably looked away because you made her blush.

  8. depends

    if its the guy i like

    i would love for him to admire me haha

    same goes for an attractive guy i dont know

  9. depends on there personality!!!!!

  10. I think every one likes to be noticed ^_^. I don't think they like people cat calling them, or yelling"hey baby" though,lol

  11. Yeah like it depends... this girl blushed because she must have thought you were cute !

    if a creep stared at me id run away, and be freaked out though

  12. yeah i love it when guys look at me. but only if the guy is attractive. so if she frowned after catching you looking at her then she probably doesn't feel the same.  

  13. Depends whos admiring. If it's a creepy old man - NOT AT ALL O_O

    But it's also how you look at somebody, if you're just staring at them it's awkward, don't do it. But yeah I don't mind being admired :P


  15. All girls love attention, from lovers, from friends, from family members. It's part of our social needs. It's just like how guys wants to feed their egos, from whoever. But when a girl is being noticed, she feels special, not as a girl, but as a human being, a person. What's more important to anyone in the world is that you're being recognized and having a feeling of self-importance.

    When you take a glimpse at her, she looks back, but blushes and looks away. She's a bit shy, she wouldn't know how to react well but to naturally turn away. She's not rejecting you or anything, but discovers that someone admires her from afar.

    Girls truly do admire the fact that anyone who looks at them because they admire who they are or any of their special features, or that they're giving them a negative feedback in their minds. It's a mystery that thrills the reader to flip the next page.

    It's not annoying. Unless they're with their boyfriends or girlfriends (if they are lesbians), or that they detest men. But as long you're respectful, then it shouldn't be a problem.

  16. most girls love to be admired. But sometimes we dont like to be stared at. If I was with my friends and some rando guy was staring at me I would think it would be a bit freaky. But girls like it when you glance at them. It makes us feel pretty. when u stare at us then we feel like ur looking at something your not supposd to be, or like we have a gigantic zit on our nose. Ohh yeah, and if you glance at her and she sees, smile. dont look away. it leaves most girls thinking "wtf?"

  17. i never look away just keep smiling and give her a wink ;)

    and i bet they like being admired

    but u gotta turn it around so she admires u bak

  18. some of them.. do..  

  19. It depends on the girl in question & the guy who is looking at her.  She could be shy, has bad experience of male attention etc.  You may not have annoyed her, she may have suddenly become self conscious.

    Next time a girl looks away, subtly keep watching her.  If she looks back at you then you look away rather than appear to be staring (which does annoy people)  I know it sounds like you could spend ages playing glancing games but it could be worth it.  When you do get eye contact, give a little smile then look away.  If she doesn't smile back she's not for you.

  20. It really depends on the girl and as a previous answerer said on the stare...if it is a super long stare then while you may be admiring her it can come off as a little bit creepy.

  21. well it depends on the girl....

    some would find it really weird and they would get freaked out if some random guy is and has been looking at them from far!

    some would love it so much that they have been noticed!

  22. i think she likes it. i think girls enjoyy it, but they would never admit it.

  23. Personally, I love it. But if he keeps on looking at me and doesn't come up and talk to me, then it gets annoying.

  24. Not scary full on stares.

    But  glances and smiles are alright

  25. It depends on the guy really. If they're looking at me and I look at them, if we stare at eachother for like a minute, it's kind of awkward. But when it's not awkward, I usually like that.

  26. Yes we loveve being admired.:)

  27. Yes girls like being admired, a great deal at all times.

  28. it depends on how the guy is looking. i, personally, do not enjoy STARING. that freaks me out. glancing is one thing; staring is another.

    but, all women like to be admired; but, moreso, they like to be respected. =)

  29. She liked it, don't worry! Its just they want you to come talk to them!  

  30. Girls LOVE it! Are you crazy?

    Being stared at makes a girl feel like she is IT.

    But maybe instead of JUST staring, you should go up and talk to her, really get to know her.

    Good luck!

  31. I personally love being admired, just make sure it looks like its in a clean way, we don't like it so much when your leering at us.  

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