
Do guys actually care about...?

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bra size?

i mean who cares about how big a girls b***s are? its about they're personality right?

ok what im asking is do u care?

would you not date a girl bcuz her b***s arent Ds?




  1. Its not all about boob size. Don't assume that just because a guy cares about boob size means thats all he cares about. Thats a logical fallacy. I think a relationship is 50% looks and 50% personality, and in the case of looks, yeah, boob size is extremely important to me. Bigger is definitely better, and if her b***s are too small, a relationship is not happening. having small b***s is like having a bitchy personality: its a total dealbreaker

  2. Some guys are totally shallow and they would never consider a girl if she didn't look a certain way. They don't care about personality because everything is about them, their standards and their expectations.

    Now I don't care. I enjoy a wide range of possibilities. Then again I'm older (maybe wiser), been very happy in a long term relationship and in my artist days I've painted, photographed and been with enough women that I can appreciate it all.

    The prettiest women aren't always the happiest, oddly extreme beauty can be as freakishly strange as extreme ugliness and deformity. I find the happiest women except who they are and flaunt what they got. Two b*****s (no matter how large) aren't enough to make a woman. And any guy obsessed with D cups is kind of a jerk anyway.

  3. Oonly the shallow ones care. The ones that think they can have any girl they want.

  4. not really, most guys i know actually like girls for their personality but you know the boob size and butt size is a bonus thats all but yea we are all different im just telling you from my point of view that looks always dont matter...its not cause im ugly no im not im actually handsome...but anyhow keep in mind that the bra size and hip,butt is just a bonus...

    good luck...

  5. I hate a girl with D size breast. They are too d**n big for me personally. I like girls to have a large A to large B size because they just seem to go better with a girls figure and causes less back problems for the girl.

  6. if she looks like she has boy-bumps...not a turn on......She has to have some cleavage going on because personality can only get you so far......guys who say otherwise are trying to be nice.

  7. I perfectly agree with you.


  8. h**l know bra sizes mean nothing, if the girl is happy with her b***s size then i'm happy :) who are we to judge :) lol. Personalily comes first :)

    If a guy want go out with you because of your boob size hes an idiot :)

    Good Luck :)

    edit - im not just trying to be nice, seriosuly boob sizes don't matter you love the girl not her b*****s lol.

  9. Yeah, I think some guys do.  Definitely not all of them though.  But you don't want the guys that do care about that stuff.  

  10. Guys that won't date a girl because of her bra size are really superficial... as if they're perfect. If you have confidence and a fun personality, guys will probably still like you. And there's plenty of guys out there that actually prefer smaller b***s. No ones perfect, and people like you for what's inside.

    Yeah, I know it's really cliche. But it's the truth. Here's another one. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

  11. yes thay do

    f that michal

  12. i dont care if there as small as centipedes

    as long as shes nice

  13. Here's what one of my good guy friends says about breast size. "b*****s are like the chocolate mint on your pillow at the hotel, they're nice but they're not why you go to the hotel."

    It's a reassuring statement, but the sexual innuendo is mildly disturbing.

  14. have no idea

    but i think some care

  15. Hope not *_*

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