
Do guys...........???

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really just want s*x? i mean, i know, some don't and want love too..but do seriously MOST guys really just want that?




  1. im a guy who only wants some one to love me romanticly not sexually

    when i get married i will have s*x but untill then im remaining a virgin  

  2. I am a guy, and all I really want is a relationship, with a girl I love, s*x is just a fun bonus we share together!  But it is true there are a lot of guys out there, that just see girls as walking s*x, sorry, but not all guys are like that!

  3. It's a factor that's for sure.  but it also depends  n the guy

  4. nahh not really. i don't. i don't need s*x to be in a relationship. im waiting til marrige ne way. lol but yea to some guys, after they already get laid, thats it! aha thats all they want. thats usually not how they mean it but i mean thats how they feel. no on purpose btw.

  5. im a guy. and ill say NOT from my mind, but from experience of dealing with alot of guys....that YES, that is the main goal. if i meet a girl and she wants to have s*x right away its not someone i try to date. personally i wont get with a girl just to have s*x with her but many guys do. be careful in telling the difference. a guy that REALLY REALLY likes you wont even mention s*x or let alone try to have that he'll leave it up to you cause he wants you to be ready.

  6. I think we label all men to be what we've experienced. At one point I felt the same way however even though there are VERY FEW good men, there are some good ones. Ultimately, if you pay attention and take things slow you will see what he is about. If you want love, make sure u don't deal with any guys that are obviously out there to play. Men will only do what you let them...yes, they are sexual beings by nature so if they're attracted to you they are going to want s*x also. The difference is does he care enough about you to prove to you that he'd wait for you; that he won't pressure you; and that you're heart is way more valuable than s*x.  

  7. s*x??Yuck!i am a guy and i am even shy to kiss a girl...s*x...*PHEW*!!I like talking to them...and kissing too!

  8. Men are sexually structured.  They truly express themselves through s*x...that is why, if you are a mature woman, you will make the most of EVERY sexual experience with your man. It is when they give you the best of themselves and I have to be frank, I LOVE IT!  

    When making love to your loved one, shut the world out and dive in.  It is matchless.

    Yes, men want s*x; however, that is not all.  They do have a heart and mind and they do use it.  I think s*x is a BIG part of their drive.

  9. Depends on the age. To be honest 75% of teens probably just want the s*x. I'm in the minority group here. I've always wanted a true connection with another person. Just go with your instinct and you should be able to tell what that guy wants.
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