
Do happy people have happy children?

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if the amount of certain chemicals in the brain is what creates happiness, and this is genetically based, then doesn't it follow that happy people-those predisposed to naturally having higher levels of "happy" chemicals in the brain- would pass the genes onto their children who would then also be abnormally happy? sorry if this is a stupid question




  1. it depends sometimes. do ugly people have ugly children? kidding it sometimes depends on theitr genes

  2. not a stupid question.  I think I am considered a happy person and I swear, my 8 year old is DETERMINED to be unhappy.  Its fruterating. I think its just part of his make-up that I cannot control.  All I can do is provide a nurturing environment and pray and hope for the best.  

  3. If this were true then would angry people make angry babies? Would murderers make killers babies? People are born with there own mind. There personality develops as they grow and mature. People turn into the type of person they become based off of life's experiences, their upbringing, their opinions, likes, dislikes, and just about everything they experience. Life makes you who you are.. not the chemicals in your parents brain!

  4. Although mentally health is heriditary, there are so many different factors that goes into happines, this question is not really valid, but not stupid. Happy people can definately effect the happiness of a child but there are also environmental issues. If a child is traumatized by outside sources it doesn't really matter how happy the parents are. Example would be being molested or even beaten by a stranger or even witnessing a horrific event, we can't control others happiness..we can only contribute to it.

  5. Nothings a stupid question, in fact this is a completely valid one.

    Mental illnesses can be hereditary, however the vast majority of them are not active till something triggers it. Depression (Sometimes due to a chemical imbalance in the brain) is one of these things. If you parents had it you may be more 'at risk' to developing it, especially if you have some sort of traumatic experience or even just emotional turbulence

    At the same time though, somebody whose family has no history of depression or mental illness of any kind may still suffer from depression due to a chemical imbalance.  

  6. That's a really great question, first of all. But I think happiness comes with how your life is, more than anything. A lot would probably depend on your relationship with people, where you fit in in society, how successful you are, and just general being happy.

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