
Do i have normal periods??

by  |  earlier

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I've had my period for a year and a half now & it hasn't followed a cycle at all. 1 month it'll be really heavy, the next month it would be dark yellow the next month it would be really light , the month after it would be BROWN! and its not like i got them every month either, sometimes it would skip a monthor 2! & for the past 4-5 months it has either come light brown or yellow! is that normal?? i dont take any medicine or pill either.




  1. Sometimes it takes a while for a settled routine in the body to become established. You have not yet had your periods for very long so give it more time to settle down and try to stop worrying about it.

    It is normal to have colour changes too.

    Best wishes. UK

  2. What do you eat? Are you a vegan? (Might explain yellow color) I've had the same problems (except for the yellow color) for 25 years & ALL the ob/gyn specialists say I have no STD's or other abnormalities that they can see in any of the hundreds of ultrasounds & X-rays I've had done. I have to wear pantyliners (which I change every few hours) all the time cause I never know when or where it'll decide to start.

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