
Do i need to worrie??? help.....?

by  |  earlier

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so i am 6wks and 5 days pregnant. i went to the E.R. the other night cause i have been cramping and way sick. they did a blood test and ultrasound they said my hcg levels are at 19000 ad that the heartbeat was at 120bpm and that the baby looed great fr how far along i am .but that i am nt out of the clear yet.

is it normal to have bad cramping? if so how bad and for how long?

i guess i am just a little worried and wondering if any has had this problem.




  1. i had horrible cramps throughout the first trimester and then had  some spotting at 7 weeks with this pregnancy. I am now 39 weeks and having contractions. I think it is pretty normal.  

  2. hey even i had bad cramps at night,but it was in the second trimester. its because of iron deficiency. n u need to have load of food specially in night.when it comes jus stand at ur bare feet on flatdon move for a goes automatically then have something like cashew or any dryfruit.n have loads of iron rich food.i hope u will be okey after

  3. There can be an increased risk of problems in the first trimester of a pregnancy compared to the last 2 trimesters.  I won't go so far as to say that it is "normal" to experience cramping, but it does happen to some women.  It can be a sign of trouble, but it is also quite possible to have cramping and even bleeding yet still go on to have a normal pregnancy and deliver a full-term baby.  Your hCG levels sound good as does the baby's heart rate.  It sounds as if everything is going well right now.  Just monitor your cramping and seek medical assistance if it gets worse or if you experience vaginal bleeding.  I had early bleeding with 2 of my pregnancies, but continued on with a healthy pregnancy.  It is very scary to bleed or cramp during pregnancy, but it doesn't always mean something bad is happening.

  4. I am 7 weeks pregnant and also due in april. This is my second child and i have a 2 year old son. My first pregnancy was good besides the fact i was sick the whole time. This pregnancy dosen't feel anything like my last. I have been cramping a lot also. My sickness started at 3 wks, vrs the third mth in my last pregnancy. Maybe you are pregnant with a girl, they seem to use more hormones. You may be over working your self, you should take it easy for a couple weeks and see if you feel any better. I wish you the best of luck, cause i feel the same was as you do!

  5. I had really bad cramps too up until probaby 7 or 8 weeks its normal its sounds like your baby is just fine to me. Good luck.

  6. I too had bad cramping and pains when I was pregnant, I went to the emergency and they said it was normal.  Is this your first baby?  A lot of the times with your first baby you will experience more pains as your body stretches to accommodate what is about to go on inside you.  I also had some spotting around week 7 or 8, it only lasted for a day or 2 and I was told again that it was normal.  I know how hard it can be when you finally get pregnant and stuff like this happens, but the first trimester is full of surprises and I am sure everything is fine.  

    The best of luck to you!

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