
Do italians like americans?

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I know some italians like americans, but i think its different up north. I know many immigrants from south came to america and not from the north. Do most italians like americans, even up north?




  1. someone yes, but someone other doesn't like american people. i like 'em all!

  2. I went to Tuscany in 2004 and Amalfi in 2005. I am going to Amalfi, Sorrento and Rome mid September 2008. When I was there the Italian people I met were wonderful 'they made my trip'

    Everywhere I went I was made to fell like family. I hope it's the same this trip.

  3. Most don't like Bush (so we get along on this point - neither do I), but much more often than not they do like Americans.  Many of them have friends and/or relatives in the US.

    I've had multiple experiences where an Italian asks if I'm German.  I say "no, siamo americani (we are americans)".  The reaction is AMERICANI, I have relatives in New York - I love america.

  4. Many Italians do not like our government but that doesn't mean that they don't like Americans. In any case, nobody likes the "ugly" American.

    Many Americans don't know that many Italian immigrants came from the north of Italy as well and especially from Friuli.

  5. Mama Mia!

  6. I'm from south Italy and I don't like bush.. (not every Americans)

    in the north of Italy it's the same!

    And do you like Italians?

  7. hi there

    i'm italian, i live in MD from the past may, actually it's about 2 months today, but anyway...

    i have to say yes, people enjoy to meet americans, this far land where lot of old relative tried to move years and years ago looking for a better life when in Italy there was just misery and almost nothing more...

    Of course we know that everywhere we find good people and bad ones.

    In Italy you also can find really closed mind people, who defines themselves anti-american because they're against the globalization, the system driven by the american economy, they believe that you are pro war and you're all with GWBush, in general are guys members of what we call "centri sociali". As everything, they have some good ideas and some bad, in this point i disagree with them.

    Anyway, it's true that most of the people who moved to the US years ago, they were from southern Italy, almost all over the country, but also people from northern Italy moved to US, they live especially in the North-East, Boston MA or Providence RI area...

  8. hi depends on the person (like everywhere), but generally yes. i personally like americans very much, i think they are nice and friendly and i like american culture. and u?do u like italians?

    ciao :-)

  9. I'm Italian and I live in North Italy.

    In the past, USA was loved by Italy because it was a "dream-country", but now things are very different.

    Italians hate war, and so, as in all Europe, we don't like Bush and we really don't understand how he won the second time after Afghanistan and Iraq's wars.

    And then, many Italians don't like the Imperialistic politics of US.

    And then, we can't "love" a country with the death penalty yet!

    And then, we don't like to have hundreds of US nuclear arms and US military zones only because US saved Italy from hitler 60 years ago! trues friends ask nothing back, don't blackmail a country forever!!!

    These are some examples, but there are hundreds of examples like these, like the fact that USA didn't sign the Kyoto Protocol... we just say "why not!?!?".

    But there are also some good things. We don't hate USA as French people, but surely USA is not very liked.

    It's more popular in people who vote Berlusconi, but we know they aren't intelligent people.! :D

    I don't know if in Southern Italy USA is more loved... I've got no idea ! ;) bye bye (anyway, there are still lot of good things from USA, and we know)

  10. What's you point...son?

    What north and what south are you talking about....Northern US or Northern Italy, Southern US or Southern Italy?

  11. northern Italian and southern Italian are SO different!I'm from the south of Italy but i live in Milan since i born and northern are colder and they aren't so similar to "tipical" italian

  12. Italy is not so big.. but there's a lot of difference from north and south and even from east and west.... different food, different people, the south of Italy is a more poor than the north, no industry no job... that is the reason that the most of immigrants came from south Italy...

  13. hi,i'm italian..

    there is a great great difference between north and south..

    i like americans in general, i think that they are a civilized society ,and it's good that Berlusconi is a Bush's friend...

    in south is different... they have another mentality

    ps.soooorrryyy 4 my language ;))))

  14. we like americans but most of us don't like bush. there is no difference btw north n south, east n west, the difference is in the way of living maybe, but not in the way we like or dislike a nation. most emigrants were from the south but also from the east of italy. we like americans, tourists are funny somtimes, they stick out like a soar thumb... but they r nice and kind people, often smiling. personally, i love the USA, the landscape, the buildings, the museums, the culture and the people.

  15. I work in a hotel in Rome, and I meet lots of american tourists every day. I must  admit that they are really polite people, and normally they do not complain much like other EU tourists, but really appreciate everything me and my collegues do for them; the only annoying thing is that 99% of them are still stuck in the idea that Italy is the country of spaghetti, wine, catholic church, playboys and mafia. it has probably to do with the fact that stereotypes are hard to die, but in my opinion people should try to obtain more information about a country before visiting it... anyway, I like americans and I don't dislike their President... my granny used to remember that it was thanks to the US soldiers that we could set ourselves free from the n***s, so there's no reason for blaming them!!!

    Hope you got my point of wiew!sorry for grammar mistakes!

  16. I love the usa, but I do not like the government, and i'm not okay with the American policy of the last 5 years

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