
Do june bugs bite??

by  |  earlier

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i'm up an theres like a zillion june bugs in my house!! i'm affraid there gunna bite me.




  1. A "June Bug" is a species of beetle, and they do NOT bite.  That species especially has mandibles too small to cause any discomfort for a human being even if they wanted to, which they don't.

    They are great insects and add beauty and fun to summer days.

  2. I have a pet rat named June Bug, and she doesn't bite :)

  3. They are big, and they crawl up out of the ground. Those are two strong indicators that they probable don't even eat.

  4. As far as I can tell June bugs don't do much of anything except turn over on their backs and die.

  5. Nope. They just buzz around. I have a few.

  6. No they won't bite but I still hate them.

  7. nope
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