
Do kids still ride bicycles?

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So, I take some non-credit PE classes at the local junior college because it gives me access to the college gym and it is cheaper than a gym membership. I ride my bike to the school, and every time I go, my bike is the only one in the rack while the parking lot is full of cars. Right now, with the ridiculously high gas prices, and temperatures usually in the 70’s (Washington State), I would have expected that at a place like a college where the general populous is young, able-bodied and at least pretends to give a **** about the environment, that the bike racks would be packed.

I put a bumper sticker on the fender of my bicycle that says “screw the polar bears” in hopes that people would walk through the parking lot where every other car has a sticker with some kind of environmentalist message, see my bicycle, and notice the irony. I doubt anybody will. This generation is really disappointing me, they seem to think they wish away all the




  1. bikes r goo choices

    i rode my bike and it got stolen so just remember to lock it up.. dont b embarrassed just say ur working out more

  2. I know i still ride my bike. I get a ride if I need to, but the bike gives me freedom, and is faster then walking. i TAKE MY BIKE TO GO FISHING TOO. mY BACK TIRE GOT SLASHED at a local fair though. mad me a little sad, but built a brige, and got over it.

  3. unfortunately not many people ride bikes, we had a bike week at my school were at least 30% of the kids rode their bikes into school. The next week probably only wo people rode in.

  4. yes!!!!!!! because every time i go to pick up my sisters there are a bunch of bikes in the bike rack

  5. yes, just about every single kid does.

  6. Certainly not enough! There are too many fat children with fat parents!

    If the parents rode, they have a chance of learning and wanting to!

    These days? Not so much!

    I very rarely see a child on a bike, do you?

    Too many fat and lazy parents, teaching their children,

    exactly how to be fat and lazy! In fact I see 4 & 5 yr. olds still in a stroller sucking on a soother with the waddler Mom or Dad pushing behind! (or the Nanny)

    Disgusting and sad, I think!

    Good Q, tho'!

  7. Maybe its just the college you attend that has less bike riders but at Mich State Univ (where I went) there were so many bikes it was ridiculous.  I think however the problem is deeper than riding bikes.  We are such a consumerism society with big business running our government that we have no hope.  I guess the good thing is the bad stuff will happen after you and I are long gone.  Happy biking! :)

    By the way I graduated with a BS in Environmental Science so I can be cynical!

  8. (^-^)

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