
Do mice eat linens? ?

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I have recently found little tiny holes in one section of one of my pillows. Im thinking it could be a mouse or maybe moths...but do mice like to eat linens? I thought they went straight for the foods/sweets? Moths i can deal with but mice? EEEEW. Its also not on all my pillows...just the one pillow that i leave against the wall on the end of my bed. Theres no hole in my wall over there so i dont know how theyd even get in, plus im on the second floor. Could this really be a mouse? Has anyone ever had a mice eat little holes in their linens?




  1. yes mice can eat linens, rats will eat just about everything, sorry to creep you out, that's not the weirdest, a grasshopper if it gets hungry enough will eat the paint off your house

  2. Rats can gnaw through brick walls, so it is probably mice or rats.

  3. Mice like to chew on all kinds of things although they are primarily grain eaters.  If you have a mouse in your room, you will see small dark mouse poops where it has been.  

  4. Mice eat almost anything, but you'd probably see traces of them.  They leave behind little p**p pellets about the size of rice, but dark brown!  Mice are also kind of noisy.  They make a lot of rustling sounds, so you'd probably hear them.

    Moths you might see on the ceiling or walls, and they also lay eggs that turn into caterpillars.  You'll know soon if you have a moth problem, because they proliferate quickly.

    It might be a smaller pest.  Not sure which kind, maybe a weevil?

  5. Roaches and moths...Bigger holes=rat/mice nesting material

  6. Mice will gnaw through just about anything.  Mice don't need a hole in the wall to gain entry somewhere.  They can squeeze through very tiny openings anywhere.  They do like to enter by crawling up water pipes and squeezing through the little opening in the floor around the pipe.  What you should do is to set a couple of mouse traps.  The very best bait is a small amount of peanut butter.  Once the mouse has been trapped - it will be quite dead - then just throw it and the trap in an outdoor garbage can.  Do not remove the dead mouse from the trap, and make sure to wash your hands after disposing of mouse and trap.  This process is somewhat less than delightful, but just take a deep breath and do it.  That's the only way.
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