
Do mirrors scare you?

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Not everything I ever wanted,

tears from your eyes,

my voice the key,

blurring the edges of perceived morality.

Heart aches for you, desire blurs

to a remnant of the chaotic heavens

that crashed on the Word

before the beginning.

Rejected by the right,

to follow a darker path.

Love in the shadows,

no less love, no less pain,

no easy decision.




  1. Beautiful poem. The last 3 lines remind me of a poem I am starting to write. Love is sometimes like that. A shadow, a blur, etc.  

  2. no easy nothing.

    except its

    effortless arrival

    and disappearance.

    like an image

    to mirror...

    //hey! i like the new avatar!

  3. The first three lines are rich with ambiguous possibilities.The rest of it is a pretty straightforward expression of what are universal emotions encountered in playing the most compelling game that God ever created for our torture and amusement. So be sure to step outside yourself every so often, and laugh at how love makes fools of us all. (I seem to remember some big-deal poet saying that a few centuries ago. And it still is something more than I can shake a spear at.)  
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