
Do my blades need sharpened?

by Guest44671  |  earlier

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Right, i skate once or twice a week for about two hours each time. So, ive spent about 44 hours on the ice scince the last time I sharpened them. I didn't think they were that blunt until today until i was doing some outside and inside edge curves, and the blade kept sliding in a different derection than i was going. My blade sometimes did that on other things, but it was really noticeable today. Should I get them sharpened?




  1. Sometimes, it's hard to determine if your blades need sharpening without seeing them. Maybe your blade is loose, as I said, it's hard to tell. Usually Skate shop owners recommend customers to get their blades sharpened about every 2-3 months. Hope I helped! Happy Skating!!

  2. You should sharpen then after every 24 hrs of use... when you notice slipping you should definetly get them done.

  3. you should get them sharpen every time you finish 48 hours on the ice

    .,.. so four more hours and you should get them sharpen

  4. oh yes they should be sharpened monthly

  5. Yes. They're like knives. They need to be sharpened every once in a while.

    Hope this Helps. =)

  6. Yes, I think your over due. My kids get them sharpened every 20-25 hours.

    Below is a snipit of caring for your boots and blades by

    "Caring for Your Blades

    Your blades are your only contact with the ice.  You want that contact to be as effective as possible.  Good care will help to ensure this.

    Keep them sharp -- but not too sharp: A sharp blade grabs the ice better than a dull one.  Sharpen your blades when they start to slide uncomfortably when you land.  Keep a log of the number of hours you skate between sharpenings.  After a while you'll figure out how many hours you can average between sharpenings, and this will help you to avoid surprises at inconvenient times"....

  7. Yeah I think it's time. I don't keep track of hours, I just sharpen when I notice it slipping a lot more than usual too! (:

  8. Probably. Feel the edge of the blade, if its rounded they need sharpening.

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