
Do my guinea pigs trust me?

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I currently own two female guinea pigs. My first one I got in May and I've had her soon to be 3 months. My 2nd one (her cagepartner) I've owned since June 10th.. so I will have owned her 2 months in August. When I go to their cage they usually come over to greet me, and I can hand feed them. Also, I've had to give them medicine for health reasons and they are really calm when I'm giving it to them. Also when I hold my first piggie (Chloe) she purrs and makes the cutest noises while I'm petting her, her cagepartner (Arya) makes "Wheek" noises when I'm petting/brushing her. They also love to popcornm all over their cage. When my parents, other people etc however go to the cage/try to pick them up, they are very skittish, and they will bite them (really hard). However, they rarely bite me anymore. Just wondering if you think based on this info if I have gained their trust..? Thanks in advance!




  1. I would say yes. That sounds really sweet!

  2. Yes you have, but you should break teh biting trick. Hold them one at a time and let a lot of different people pet them. (not all at the same time.) Do that for a few weeks and then try lettng someone else hold them when you get them out of the cage. Then go all the way and let someone else get then out of the cage. Don't rush any of the steps. Only you know when they are ready to move foward. :)

  3. of course not.

  4. i think you do have gained their trust because your the one that pets them,brushes them,gives them food,andcleans them,maybe these doesnt sound realistic but the true is that you are the one that takes care of them so they like you,the same happens to me i have a baby guinea pig and when my mom,sister or me pet him he will start doing the wheek sound or purrs but when my dad is trying to pet him he runs away,but sometimes he just makes the sounds with me because i am the one that feeds him,cleans him pet/brush him. good luck

  5. of course you have gained ther trust, as you see them everyday and feed them and look after them they get used to your face and they know you are not going to hurt them, as for the biting your family senario they probably do that because they dont see them often and they dont look after them. good luck with your ginea pigs :)

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