
Do pencils fly or zoom?

by  |  earlier

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ok i had my drawing pen

it was drawing pretty good.

then i got TD news

no Mars books??? NO WaY!!!!

wow it flew across the room

and stuck right in the wall

---but--- i went and got it---

to draw this looney toon.

especially for Elaine

who i know is pretty nice.

chill down Farmer!

get the towel and ice!!




  1. I TOLD you to get into line fast. A second edition will be out shortly.

    Funny cartoon.

  2. In my case...they vanish!  Have taped a piece of paper across the right side of my screen.  Ta Da!  No more pencils, light bulbs...ah...sigh,

    tranquility rules. More than one way to skin...what's this about no book?

    (Slow on the uptake today.)

  3. Apparently they are propelled by sly slingshots!

  4. Huh?

  5. Pencils are the bane of mankind.  Slingshots would be my recommendation!

  6. Did oppoetoonity knock and you said no thanks? Now you are back to the drawing board LOL Go the toons! Good one Farmer!

    be chillin dude!

  7. I think it shot across the room you clever loon.

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