
Do people who smoke?????

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Do people who smoke not realize how bad it makes them and their breath smell?? Or do they just not care??




  1. unfortunately, we lose our sense of smell to an extend, and since we do it all's the norm. i would never smoke in someone's car or home, but even my sister detests the smell. i gave her 4 dr.'s expensive dolls..she thru them out 'due to the smoke.

    i chew gum a lot to get rid of it, or mouth  sprays, and i open the windows once every hour,  but i am severly    addicted,,i just heard that in europe they have manufactred a mediation thatTakes the soothing, kind of relaxed rush of the cigarette out.,like that pill that makes alcoholics feel sick,

    thanks for asking,..communication is everything, and you can't correct what you don't know or acknowledge!

  2. When I was a smoker I did not realize how bad my clothes and my breath smelled.  I was raised in a house of smokers and started smoking myself when I was 14.  I never realized how bad it smelled until after I quit.  I was 38 years old before anyone ever told me my hair smelled good.

    Even if I did know I smelled bad it wouldn't have mattered.  I would have cared, but I would have been powerless to do anything about it until "The Patch" came along.  I was so happy to be able to quit without those terrible withdrawals I had every other time I tried to quit...I've been stink free for 15 years.

  3. I guess it's just like anything - people who smoke get used to it and don't notice it.

    I DESPISE smoking, I hate it when people come into my office after smoking and it just STINKS SO BAD!!!

  4. I'm not a smoker, but I have a few friends who are. Smoking is not about looking cool, or smelling bad, or being bad for your health. Smoking is about getting a fix - putting some more nicotine in your system so your brain doesn't go crazy.

    Nicotine is addictive, and once you're hooked, it doesn't matter what it takes - you have to have a cigarette.

  5. They don't care - they're addicts.

  6. I would quit smoking in a heartbeat if it was that easy and I care very much if I smell like smoke. It's not so much about not caring as it is being addicted to something that's very hard to break.

  7. They do care.  Confirmed smokers don't have much choice in the matter once they are addicted.  Nicotine is as addictive as heroin.  

    A 1-2 pack per day smoker takes 200-400 hits daily for years. This constant intake of a fast acting drug (which affects mood, concentration & performance)...eventually produces dependence.

    People who smoke know they smell bad, have bad breath, and most of them want to quit, but it is very difficult to quit once you are addicted.

  8. They know and care. But, it's the quitting that is so hard to do. My doctor told me that quitting smoking is just as bad as kicking a heroin habit.

  9. I enjoy smoking.

  10. yes i know its bad for me but so is the air we breath and the water we drink and so what if i die when i'm 60 insted of when i'm 80 and cant take care of myself and have to be put in a home and i brush my teeth so my breath isn't that bad

  11. People who smoke are stupid. they feel the need to shove a rolled up piece of paper with plants and deadly chemicals in there mouth and risk dying from lung cancer just to impress people that a lot of the times they don't even know. thats a major insecurity issue. Because lets face it what the h**l else do you get out of smoking.

  12. Some of us do care and yes we realize. I scrub my house and open all the windows before my daughter visits. I curtail my smoking and only do it outside, when she's at my place.

    I've tried to quit 3 times in the past year. The irony? My daughter tells me that she'll take a drag off someone's cigarette when she's been drinking. Otherwise, she gripes about the smell, etc.

  13. Smoking is addictive. The nicotine tells their brain that they need it, more and more. Some people are gifted to hate smoking. I personally dislike smoke, but am tolerant, unless someone is blowing it at my face. Then I'll tell them they have a problem.

  14. Nicotine makes them addicted! The Nicotine makes them not care even though it is publicy announced and negatively promoted all the side affects and unhealthy results of smoking.

  15. To those of you that don`t smoke, please try to be a bit understanding of those addicted to nicotine. The habit is as hard to break for a cigarette smoker as it is for an alcoholic or heroin user. Yet these people have rehabs to go to, an option not available to the cigarette smoker. If there were, I`d be the first in line. All the preaching about the ills of nicotine, especially from the govt. and the public bans, yet cigarettes are sold in every store possible. Doesn`t quite make sense does it ?

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