My girlfriend has severe mood swings. She is doing her residency in psychiatry. We live in different towns. She complains that she has no friends in town, and that the friends that she has don't care about her. She complaining about it for one year now. She also says that she does not like her house and that she feels lonely. When I come to visit her she is really moody. To the point that she shouts at me, for simple stuff. She says that she is unhappy, and that she doesn't like herself. Everyday she calls me saying how horrible her day at the hospital was. I told her that I cannot be the only person hearing all these problems and she flew off the hook saying that she expect me to be fine with it because that is her work. I said that I am fine, but I would like to hear good news every now and then. Sometimes she thinks that she is depressed. I've told her that she needs therapy because the emotional load of psychiatry residency is huge. But she refuses to seek help. What should I do. She fought with her dad, with her sister, and now she is fighting with me on a regular basis. If I say that I want to see the rules of the game while we play scrabble she says that I don't trust her and gets hysterical. She complains about everything and nothing is enough. Is there a way to help this situation?