
Do rats make good pets??

by  |  earlier

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im allergic to dogs and cats and i have heard that they can be trained like dogs and are VERY intelligent animals. i have a hamster and two gerbils. would it be a good investment??




  1. I have a rat, And i love him. Make sure you study up a little first :P

    They're nice and intelligent.  ( and personally I like them better than hamsters and gerbils )

  2. Check out my site and choose for yourself.


  4. Rats are just like Hamsters only they need more maintenance like they eat like 2 times what a hamster eats a day they are great pets once tamed!

  5. Absolutely, I personally have 3 little girls and they are my babies. They don't bite ever (and if they do it's a play full nip, not a vicious bite) they do require friends, unless you want them to go insane, you would want girls, they don't try to kill each other over territory or toys or whatever, and they don't stink so much, if you get a girl and a boy, they'll either hate each other or breed like crazy, then the male will eat the babies and you don't want to get into that, the'll need lots of toys and a large cage, you will also want to use CAREFRESH BEDDING and we use MONSTER brand food. Hope you get to buy some rats.

  6. Rats are smelly and often mean, true they are not nocturnal, but hamsters require a lot less space, and do not cost as much (in supplies and cages). Teddy Bear (as well as panda and black bear hamsters syrians are also the same) hamsters are solitary and don't need many toys. The males are often the best choice because they are calmer and less likely to bite. They love to climb on people and explore in hamster balls. They can be extremely fast and hard to catch, but if you keep an eye on them and get a simple (no tube cages or those silly critter trail cages, i would also recommend against tank cages because those get really smelly really fast. My hamster (bruce) was killed by one of those straight tubes that go down last night) cage like one with bars and a level or two.  

  7. I think they make great pets, but the downside is they can smell, and the cage takes up a lot of room. So it really depends on what you're looking for in a pet and how much room you have.

  8. They're very sweet and intelligent. They should be allowed time everyday to roam outside of their cage. Do not use pine and cedar for bedding as it will make them sick. Good luck.

    Edit: Rats are not smelly and mean like one person below said.

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