
Do saudis share wives?

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cuz all this talk saudi having more then one wife being a wide spread thing doesnt make sense.

The s*x ratio in KSA is 1.22 males for each female

more males then females

how does that work out if a lot of people state that guys having more then one wife is a wide spread thing?




  1. no, they do not.

  2. Yes the older ones.

  3. No, but there is also MORE married men than women...

  4. Maybe the poor men cant afford any wives because they spend too much. lol

  5.'s the thing: having more than one wife is not strctly a "saudi" is common, i.e. not shocking but it's not the choice of the majority....those who do marry more than one wife usually marry from other nationalities (for wives # 2,3 or 4)...although some are residing in saudi it is not necessary that those wives move to the husbands's very common for the saudi man to keep his saudi wife in saudi and marry say an algerian and have her live in her country while he travels often between the addition, statistics aren't really reliable..not only in saudi arabia but most of the arab i wouldn't base theories on 'em....

    so in short: NO we do not share wives, don't be such a smart's obserd and contradicting our islamic faith, our arabic heritage and common sense and decency...(i did hear however that sometime in the 70s or 80s there was a group of "swingers" in Kuwait but i can't confirm such a thing and i really do doubt its existance)

  6. Im the Islamic religion its ok for a man to have more than one wife. As long as he treats them all fairly. ( for example if he buys one of them a ring, he has to buy them all a ring.)

    As many as he can afford to maintain. The Koran allows for polygamy only if the man can keep all wives at the same standard of living and support all the children.

    The Quran in Sura 4:3 says:

    And if you be apprehensive that you will not be able to do justice to the orphans, you may marry two or three or four women whom you choose. But if you apprehend that you might not be able to do justice to them, then marry only one wife, or marry those who have fallen in your possession. (Maududi, The Meaning of the Qur’an, vol. 1, p. 305)

    The key clauses are "you will not be able to do justice to the orphans" and "you may marry two or three or four women whom you choose." Maududi (d. 1979) is a respected traditional and conservative commentator on the Quran. So we should let him explain what they mean. He says that the clauses accomplished three things:

    First, in pre-Islamic Arabia, guardian men married the orphan girls under their care, so the Quran says that they should direct their attention to women other than the orphans.

    Second, in pre-Islamic days men used to marry a limitless number of women and grab the property of their orphan nephews and nieces to support their wives.

    Third, in pre-Islamic days, men could marry as many women as they wanted and "treat them cruelly and unjustly" with impunity. So the Quran limits the number to four, and only if the man could keep care of them all: "But if you apprehend that you might not be able to do justice to them."

  7. No

  8. happens in America not should have ask it in United States section......

  9. for a moment there. I thought you were asking about polygamy, then I realized "sharing" was up there..

    NO WAY do we saudi's share wives... lol

  10. the gender ratio of saudi males vs. saudi females is more or less 1:1

    females are not any luckier coz of the ratio that you mentioned. it is the expats labor mainly, which skew the ratio to 1:1.22

    by the way, the highest female to male ratios in the world is in UAE and the top 6 countries in the world are the 6 GCC countries .. but all asian labors ..

    the luckiest men in world are in some of the eastern european countries where female are more than males good percentage, i think they were lithuania, estonia, ukraine, few of these countries

  11. Give me a break......... Do you know many places in the world where sharing wives or husbands is OK?

    The only places where that is practised in some 'clubs' with the mutual consent of all partners....and that is very limited.

  12. May I ask the source of your statistics?? Or somebody was just barking in street and you collected all the sht.

  13. you just wanted to provoke Saudis but it didn't work for you

  14. At many times the second wife isnt Saudi.

    Plus not that many marry more than one... or dare to even LOL

    Not to mention that many men and women in Saudi arent even married!

  15. Share wives= giving your wife to another>>>not applicable here  unless she is very nasty  and ugly then all you have to do is give her away through simple divorce ..

    Share wives = many wives>>> who dares to do  at the present situation of economic hardships

  16. One of my friends, who has personal experience of living in Saudi Arabia, tells me that Saudis marry a lot of women from abroad. So a Saudi man may have 1 saudi wife and say 3 more wives from nearby Middle-Eastern countries. Therefore, men can have four wives while overall the s*x ratio is 1.22 male to one female.

    Lucky guys !! ;-))

  17. No very few Saudis have more then one wife. If they do have more then one at most it is two.  (Unless your the Royal Family and then you can go against the laws of GOD).  Saudis don't share their wives. That's against Islam and the women would have a higher chance of having a b*****d child and getting AIDS or some other disease.
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