
Do snakes have p***s's?

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if humans have to have a p***s and a v****a to have s*x then doesn't that mean that snakes have to have those genetiles as well?




  1. Snakes, like all reptiles, have a cloaca - a single opening through which they mate, excrete and lay eggs/give birth. Male snakes have two penises (sometimes called 'hemipenes' because it was once thought they were two halves that needed to join together for mating - this is not the case, the snake uses only one p***s at a time). When mating, the male extrudes the penises from his cloaca (they normally lie inside the body, along the tail), and inserts one into the female's cloaca. Lizards also have two penises.

    Just because humans have a p***s and a v****a does not mean that other animals do. Consider animals such as amphibians and fish, which reproduce using external fertilization - the female simply lays her eggs, and the male then covers them with his sperm to fertilize them. What use would he have for a p***s? Most birds also do not have penises, though they reproduce using internal fertilization - they mate simply by pressing their cloacas together, the male squirting his sperm into the female. A few birds which do have penises are ostriches, ducks and buffalo weavers.

    Contrary to what one of your answers said, kangaroos and other marsupials do not have two penises, they have a single p***s which is bifurcated at the tip.

  2. Snakes, like marsupials, have hemipenes. Unlike marsupials, they use only one half at a time. Some snakes have carried this bifurcation to extremes, Some rattlesnakes have 64 heads to their penes (Yeah, that's the plural.)

  3. Technically, girl snakes do not have vaginas.  Snakes have openings called cloaca, which is (ugh) a common opening for their excretory, digestive, and reproductive systems.  In other words, a single all purpose hole.

    But, yes, snakes do have penises.  In fact, many species of snake double up: a male garter snake has two!

  4. Actually, all male snakes (barring injuries) have hemipenes. Yep. Two penises. Thing is, when the female snake's done, she's done, and she'll leave... doesn't necessarily mean that the male has "let go" yet... bad injuries can and do happen, so it's nice to have a backup...

    And yes, all animals that reproduce sexually  have genetalia to do so... doesn't mean it looks like ours, though.

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