
Do stores sell gamecube systems anymore??

by  |  earlier

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i really want one!!! o.O

but i've looked at all these web sites, and they don't have any!!! did they stop making them?




  1. go to eb games or gamestop, they have them there for like $40-$50 used.

  2. No, unfortunately, at retail stores such as walmart, they sell only wiis. However, at stores such as Blockbuster, EB games, or gamestop you might be able to find a used one cheap.

  3. Only used ones at places like Gamestop. Stores won't waste their money trying to sell an obsolete system that no longer has any games released for it.

  4. yes, at gamestop or gaming stores that sell old game consoles and games

  5. Regular stores did stop selling them just because they get outdated, just like any other console. You could always get it from a Game X Change or find it on eBay.

  6. no. you may be able to find one used somewhere. Maybe Gamestop or EB Games. I know people sell them on Amazon and Ebay for practically nothing

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