
Do switzerland use mastercard/visa?

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do switzerland people speak english




  1. Visa and Mastercard are accepted all over Europe but still inform your bank you are going to travel otherwise they might think your card got stolen.

    In Switzerland as in all countries in Europe you will find enough people speaking English since all over European countries we get taught at school.

    Still it will be apreciated if you would bother to learn some sentences of the language the country you are traveling to.

  2. In the bigger cities and touristic places there will be no problem paying with any kind of plastic (Mastercard, Visa, Amex, Diners, JCB).

    Off the beaten path, however, you might encounter some impediments: in rural Switzerland cash is king.

    Unless you can get hold of a EC (Debit) Card which is widely spread in Europe, or - even better - a Postcard (Swiss Post Bank Debit Card), you should always carry some cash with you to cover the next meal.

    Same with English: in the cities less of a problem.

    In trains and larger train stations, all staff speak English.

  3. The real answer is: There is no such thing as English in Switzerland since the four official languages spoken in the country are Alemannic (some call it Swiss German, but this is not correct), French, Italian and Raeto-Romantsch. But as you see with my example, English is spoken widely since it's taught at school. Some people therefore speak it well, the others rather unsufficently.

    Mastercard/Visa and the rest of the bunch are certainely accepted in many/most places. Don't forget, you're entering bankers haven!

    Happy travelling in the Helvet republic!

  4. hahahaha...

    läck, wänn ich so zügs liis gits mer ja fast eine :D wiä dä ander wo meint...lossed ihr i dä schwiiz nöd nume flöte musik?

    hahaha...erbärmlich diä allgemeinbildig.

  5. Yes cuz I have just been there ...  do inform your bank about your trip there ... otherwise, you might have problems ...

    The places you can be sure that the local people there do speak English are at those tourist spots ... other than that, you better get a English-German dictionary if you are travelling to the outskirt as most of the time I don't easily find anyone who can speak English, even the young ones.... to learn to speak Swiss German, it is difficult as its dialect is different from High German ... by the way, all the cities in Switzerland that I been too have the same kind of 'layout' ... you have a train station in the city, clock towers here and there that rings from time to time, pedestrian street somewhere , friendly people, bier... lol ... and do say "Gruezi" which is a greeting word in Swiss especially when you meet someone in a small town ...

  6. Yes they use Mastercard and Visa. Also english is widely spoken but maybe a bit less in the french/italian part of Switzerland. But there is always someone that speaks english especially among the young generation.

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