
Do the olympic swimmers taper? ?

by  |  earlier

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do they taper for trials, and the olympics or train through trials and taper for olymics, it takes so much time to taper down, and then back up again i was just wondering if they had time do it all in the short time?




  1. Most people do a full 6 week taper for the trials because the competition is so fierce. However, people like Michael Phelps just trained through the trials. He only did the taper for the Olympics because he could still make the Olympics without tapering.

  2. The trials and the actual olympics are quite a bit of time apart, they taper for the trials, train back up, and then taper for the Olympics.

    Imagine if Several Atheletes tapered for the trials, then having a better time than, lets say Michael phelps who doesn't taper, phelps wouldn't be in the Olympics.

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