
Do they normally card at weddings?

by  |  earlier

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so, me and a few people were discussing if they normally card at wedding receptions. if you've been to a wedding did they or didn't they. its an open bar.




  1. last one i was at i got carded

  2. I went to a wedding in April 2007 and they did card :) So I just had my boyfriend get me some drinks....good thing I don't have that problem anymore :)  Good luck!!!!

  3. i wasn't carded at my aunts wedding and i was 16 even though the only drink i got was the champagne that was used for the toast. and at my brothers friends wedding the guy didn't have a problem with it but just to be safe he asked for an adult to get the drink so if the police asked he could truthfully say that HE didn't serve any minors.which i thought was really smart  

  4. well sometimes they do and sometime they dont at mine we knew the bar tenders so anyone that wanted just had to go up and say give me a .......................   but some dont ask at all because there geting paid to do it and if you want just ask the groom to talk to the tender and belive me there will not be any promblems

  5. If depends on the laws of your area and the establishment the wedding is held at...  

    For instance if it is at a country club or other establishment with a stationary liquor license they will card you ask to not do so means they can lose their liquor license..

    If however it is a freelance bartender he/she will likely be less to card you..

    I suggest you go to the wedding assuming you will be carded, when you get there play it by ear...  

  6. yes they do. because the same rules apply. the person that served you would lose thier bartending lisence & be finded hundreds of dollars.

  7. I don't drink at weddings because when I drink...I like to drink. Anyway, yeah all of the weddings I've been to carded. Have someone else get you a drink, or ask someone who just got a drink.

  8. No! I've been to plenty of weddings open bar and they don't card. If you're worried, have someone else get your drink but unless you're like 12 they will definitely serve you. Have fun!

    Answer mine?:;...

  9. If there is a hired bartender they do.  

  10. No, not if its a hosted bar, usually they only card if its a cash bar.  But just don't look like a 12 year old and know what you're going to order.  

  11. yes i'm in my 20s and i normally get carded at weddings

  12. Unless the reception is taking place at someone's house or on private property, whomever acts as bartender must card those who may not be 21 unless they want a lawsuit to be brought against them.  I know in the state where I live, the laws are pretty strict.  If a drunk driver gets in an accident and hurts someone, not only is the driver sued, but so to is the establishment who sold that person alcohol, the owner of the establishment is sued personally and so too is the bartender who served that person.

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